Even though we are social distancing, I am still on the road to Adepticon. My goal is to finish my last project, a 25 point Avengers team for Marvel Crisis Protocol, by next Tuesday. For the first time in several months I am really enjoying painting again. I am looking forward to it each night and trying different things. For my recent models I am trying to not over highlight as much (I know I am still doing it, adding a highlight where logically there should not be one), but I feel like it is getting better.
I was down to my final three models at the start of the week, Captain America, Captain Marvel and Spiderman. I decided to work on Captain America first, he looked to be the most intricate and I also wanted to finish Winter Soldier's buddy.
I started by blocking out all the major contours. I have started to do this step more often and I really do like it. It helps me see some colour dynamics in addition to limit touch ups later on when apply the first coat of a colour.
I did his shield the same way as Ironman, but completely with a brush. It would have probably looked better if I airbrushed it but it was already glued down and I did not trust my control with an airbrush yet to not over spray onto the rest of the model. I added a Tim Horton's cup to his base to add a bit of a Canadian twist.
With Captain America done, I moved onto the other Captain, Marvel. She was relatively quick to paint. I had done the base-coats of the red and blue last week. I was then able to finish he off in two sittings. I played around with some different colours for the blond hair and I am happy how it has turned out. I used a combination of Citadel Balor Brown, with a Serphim Sepia wash. Highlights were then done with Balor brown, Scale 75 Sahara Yellow and a final highlight of Scale 75 Tenera Yellow.
One model left, and it is my favorite hero of the bunch, Spiderman.