Sunday 22 March 2020

13 - Friendly Neighborhood Spiderman

And all my Adepticon projects are done!  I finished up Spiderman over the weekend.  He was actually the second Marvel model that I started to paint but be got bumped to the back burner.  The web patter was a bit time consuming.

Growing up Spiderman was my favorite superhero.  Part of it probably had to deal with the 90s Spiderman cartoon  and partly because my big brother was a Spiderman fan.

I have not kept up with the comics over the last 15 years (I have been reading predominantly Batman and others from the Bat-family).  Though I should start reading some Spiderman again soon, now were to start?

With all my Adepticon stuff done I am going to start looking at some more "for fun" projects and finishing up a few things I started but did not complete.  But first, it is time to give the hobby desk and room a little spring cleaning!


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