Sunday, 3 May 2020

22 - Hawkeye

This week I continued with "paint whatever I feel like painting", as opposed to "paint something I need to get done for a game".

After painting up that Wild West Exodus building last week, I has been eyeing my unpainted Wild West Exodus models.  My original plan was to try painting one of the outlaw motorcycles in Non-metallic metallic.  However I thought painting a model where 90% of it was going to be NMM might be a bit ambitious for a first attempt at the technique.

So I decided to work on Hawkeye from the Warrior Nation instead.  This is a beautiful sculpt.  I started out by adding a bow string to the model as well as and arrow.  The arrow is a tad to large for the model though (it was what I had on hand).

The biggest problem I had with this model was the different shades of brown.  I wanted to use a lot of brown and beige on the model to represent the leather and animal skins.  The problem I had was that I only had so many shades of brown to work with.  I had to try out different combinations of what I had on hand.  The bow colour was the hardest, but it also turned out to be one of my favorite parts of the model.

I also tried painting some Non-metallic steal and gold for the first time.  I did the arrow head, hoop on her hair and the knife blade in the NM-steal.  I then painted the bands on the bow, the hilt of the knife, her necklaces and some discs on the quiver in the gold.  I followed the Scale Color 75 method for both.  It turned out not bad, but I definitely need more practice.  I struggle with visualizing light sources, and that is a key component to making NMM really work.

I am looking forward to use Hawkeye in a game of Dungeons and Dragons until I can get in a game of WWE.  I friend of mine recommended a solo DnD adventure that I downloaded called "The Death Knights Squire".  I started to play through it the other night, and it is a lot of fun.  Reminds me of the old Fighting Fantasy choose your own adventure novels I grew up on.

Not sure what's up next on my painting table.  I might work on White Buffalo from the Warrior Nation or some more WWE buildings.  Or maybe both.


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