Sunday 24 May 2020

42 - Arachnophobia

A while ago I picked up half a dozen contrast paints from Games Workshop.  I have tried several times to incorporate them into my painting style.  I have had some marginal success with Basilicanum Grey when painting blacks.  However I have never really been happy with how it turned out.

So I figured that I would give them a proper try.  I grabbed some of the various spiders from the Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets game.  I primed them and then used the airbrush to give them a solid coat of white.  I tried two different coloured spiders, grey and brown.

I used Basilicanum Grey and Skeleton Horde.  I don't know if it was just these two particular paints but the colour was very weak after a single coat.  I ended up having to do three coats to get a rich colour.  The brown was the weaker one even after multiple coats so I added a wash of Scale Colour Inktense wood to it.

I am happy with how the spiders turned out in the end for the amount of time I spent on them.  It is always good to have a handful of spider models ready to go for various RPG games.  However I am still not sold on contrast paints.  I can definitely see their value, I just have not been able to incorporate them successfully into my style.  I feel that I was probably just not using the correct contract paints to achieve the effect I was looking for. 


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