Saturday 4 April 2020

19 - Who's a Good Boy?

To continue with my Through the Breach campaign prepping,  I got a few more models painted earlier this week.  I needed some smaller robot minions.  I remembered the nice attack dogs from Wild West Exodus that I had built up a while ago. 

I followed the steps for both silver and gold in the Scale 75 "Steampunk in Miniature" book.  I really liked how the gold turned out.  They were basically a trial run for how I was going to try and paint gold on a current larger project.  I was quite happy with the results.

I tried to add some glowing eyes to the dogs, it did not turn out great.  I think I need to do some more research on how to accomplish this technique. 

I have a couple of busts on the go right now.  They are proving to be a lot of fun to paint.   


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