Wednesday, 13 May 2020

24 - Old Prospectors Shack and Outhouse

I did not get much painting done over the last week and a half.  I spend most of my hobby time playing through the solo DnD campaign with my Hawkeye character that I painted up last week.

The solo campaign was alot of fun.  It played like the old Steve Jackson and Ian Livingstone books I read as a kid.  You get to a section, it tells you the scenario and then lays out some common options that you can do.  You then click on the option your character would do and it takes you to another section.  So not a true DnD experience but still a lot of fun in the meantime. 

I did do some work on a little more Wild West Exodus terrain.  I painted up the old shack and the outhouse.  Again I did this project mainly to practicing my airbrush skills.  This time I did the wood base colours with the airbrush then used some grays to dry-brush a old weathered look.  I then switch back to the airbrush for the metal roof and weathering.  I was quite happy with the result and the amount of time it took to do.  I also got inspired for a fun little Through the Breach scenario to use it in.

I wanted to spruce up the interior a bit too.  I made a quick floor out of some coffee stir sticks.  I then made a quick (very quick fireplace) out of some scrap foam I had laying around.  This was also a bit experimental as I was seeing how well a green-stuff textured rolling pin would work on a piece of foam.  Detail is not deep, but it will work in a pinch.  I then made some picture frames using some more coffee stir sticks.  For the actual pictures I found some nice nature photos in an old hiking magazine and cut them out.

I also painted up the outhouse, which was just fun.  Should also be a laugh to put this on the table for both DnD/Through the Breach and Wild West Exodus. 

I am going to continue work on White Buffalo now and then some random monsters to use in some RPG games I am hoping to play in the future.


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