Sunday 29 March 2020

17 - Fistfull of Script

With all my Adepticon projects done I had an open workbench for painting projects and excitement to start something new.  There are a bunch of models that I want to work on, but I thought I would start with painting up some models to represent the player characters in my Through the Breach campaign that I have been running.

I leaned heavily on the western tropes in the introductory session, and Malifaux definitely has a weird west feel to it.  I was trying to figure out what models to use.  Most of what I have lying around are too generic fantasy or to sci-fi.

I then remembered that a friend gave me some old western models a while ago when I was giving Warhammer Wild West a try.  I went through those and found a few that would work well.

I was looking for 2 models with long arms (rifles or shotguns) and one with a pistol.  I was hoping to get a katana on the one with the pistol but did not have one on hand (it can always be added later).

The models are nice a simple, they painted up fairly quickly.

In addition to painting the models I worked on a different project.  I made a small portable airbrush spray-booth.  I used some plywood, a small ventilation/cooling fan, and a furnace filter.  It feels like it has some decent airflow through the filter, I am looking forward to giving it a try.


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