Monday 18 May 2020

27 - Can't See the Forest for the Trees

I got some colour blocking done on White Buffalo...but then my hobby ADD kicked in and I started to work on some new terrain.

I had a bag of pine trees in the basement.  I wanted to made a few stands of trees to use in Wild West Exodus and in some upcoming RPG sessions.  The trees needed to be removable in order to fit models within the area terrain though.  It makes the terrain much more functional in games.

So I found some old tree trunks in my bits box to have the trees stand in.  While I was in there I also found some bits to liven up the bases.

I added the trunks to some old bases and glued the bases to a several discs of scrap wood.  I then used some caulking to make a smooth transition from the bases to the wood.  I also used the caulking to help blend in the bits (barrels, grave, way marker, fence, statue).

I am really happy how these turned out.  I have a fun Through the Breach scenario that I will use these with the old Prospectors shack that I painted last week.

While working on this I also got an idea for another piece of area terrain, a run down frontier graveyard.


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