Tuesday 28 February 2017

Red Ones Go Fasta

A while ago I picked up some toy cars that were roughly the right size for the Batman Miniatures Game from a second hand store.  I was really focusing at the time on the buildings I was making for an event so I never got around to repainting the vehicles.  I took a little break from my Joker Crew to paint one up.

I have never painted a car before.  I did not just want to use my regular paint, because I did not want a mate finish.  I wanted to try and paint a candy red colour on my SUV toy.  I started by removing a few screws and breaking the car down into pieces.  I then primed black and then covered the outside of the model in silver.  I had no idea what I was doing but figured I would give it a shot (if I screwed up the model, it cost me about a buck and a half).  I then sprayed 2 coats of Testors Spray Enamel: Custom Red (Leaving about 3 hours between coats).

I spray worked great.  You can still see some brush strokes from the sloppy silver base brush (next time I will probably use a spray silver).  I am very happy with it for the amount of time it took, and it looks so much better then it did.  Also I think the enamel spray is going to be very resilient to wear and tear.  

It might be a little bit to big, but close enough I say.


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