Tuesday 14 February 2017

Morghast's Revenge

I finished up my second Morghast for my Grand Alliance of Death army.  In my first game, these guys did all my killing.  

I had a great time at the Lords of War Birthday celebration this past weekend.  We played a dramatic Mavel/DC megabattle.  Batman got tossed around like a rag doll between Superman and Groot, but he did emerge victorious in the end.  However that just got me pumped to do some more Batman stuff.

I was talking with Jay and Chris and we would like to build up the Batman/DC/Marvel (we can keep is going) community.  So if there is anyone reading this that would like to throw down with some Batman or Marvel/DCU give me a shout.  Even if you are new and have never played a game.  I would be happy to run you through a game!

I am going to start on the last 3 models I have for my original Joker Crew (Henchmen with axe, Mr Hammer and the Clown King himself).  However, first I decided to try making a piece of terrain to go with my Dark Circus table.  Here is a little preview.  



  1. that is awesome love the duck

    1. add another stick on the bottom of the window laying flat (cross the existing window like a T) to make counter for rifle rest
