The Axe-man was the last of my Joker henchman that I currently have. I don't know exactly how much I will use him. He is compatible reputation to Joey Bats (Contra-Auguste). The bat and the axe are both heavy and handy (re roll to hit and +1 str to wound). However the axe does two blood to the bats single stun.
Joey Bats does have a slightly better stat line though, with one additional endurance point. Out of all of their special rules I do like axemans "Tireless" the most (although Joey Bats Hardened (convert first blood counter received each round into a stun counter) is great too). This allows the model to run by spending only a single special counter (instead of a special and movement counter). Could be very useful in getting him into position to axe my opponent some questions or grab objectives.
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