Sunday 5 February 2017


Most recent on my painting block has been Batgirl.  Two challenging colours to paint, red and yellow.  I am comfortable painting red by now (so many Blood Angels), but I still hate yellow!  She is a simple model to paint, but the black/yellow contrast will pop nicely on the table top.

I don't know which sidekick I will use more often, Batgirl or Robin.  I like the thematic team up of Robin and Batman.  However I have never had great successes with Robin in the past.  I have not figured out exactly how to use him effectively.  The upgrade to his card which gave him "combo with BO" was nice. Having said that, with only a single stun damage with each attack, he has a hard time knocking out a simple henchman.  I do like his flash grenades and detective trait.  He did tend to get shot down part way though the game.

Batgirl on the other hand is fairly close to Robin.  They have identical stats with the exception that Batgirl has a higher movement.  She has "Combo with Unarmed" and produces a single stun damage.  They both have a "Batclaw".

There are a few things about Batgirl I like over Robin.  The "Stealth" trait keeps her a little more hidden, which will help avoid being shot up early on.  The "Informer" is nice (one addition pass a turn).  "Martial Artist" and "Sneak Attack" are OK for those times when avoiding hand to hand combat is unavoidable.  The "Batcape" is also good for dropping down onto objectives to reserve action counters.

The big selling point of Batgirl over Robin for me is, she is 9 reputation points cheaper and has a $0 Funding.  That is 3/4 of another foot cop and I can save the funding for upgrades and guns.  Only the table top with tell me which one I can rely on more.  


I think I am going to go back to putting a quote as a sign off.  I always enjoyed that,

"Fairy tales are more than true: not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten" - Neil Gaiman, Coraline

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