Monday 6 March 2017

Stop...Hammer Time!

I finished up the second Sidekick for my Joker crew, Mr Hammer.  This model will bring some durability and power to the crew.  He will be a more straightforward sidekick to use than Harley, move forward and hit stuff with big hammer.  His "Bodyguard" ability will also help protect Joker or Harley from incoming fire.

"Brutal" (re roll the collateral damage dice) is great combined with his one blood, one stun, Handy/Reach Hammer.  Gives him an extra chance to knock someone to the ground or put on an extra stun maker.  Also If you can activate him early in a round and use his "Lethal Blow" (if you do damage the enemy model gains "Stunned" effect (can't spend action counters until end of the round))  he could really throw a wrench (or large hammer) into your opponent's plan.

Mr Hammer was a great mini boss in the Arkham City game.  There was a whole extra depth to his story that I did not pick up on until very late in the game.  Originally I thought he was just a cool looking one-armed thug.  I did not realize the connection to Penguin's own one armed thug.  I figured that he was just a Penguin version of the same enemy (like the titan thugs).  It wasn't until later that I noticed that they were missing the opposite arms.

It did not all come together for me until I had to solve one of the Riddler's riddles in the steel mill.  Once you have beaten both of Mr. Hammer and Sickle (Penguin's guy) in the main story, you can find them sitting together in the steel mill.  They are the answer to the riddle " Once assembled, do these two become one again?".

Hammer and Sickle were conjoined twins that used to work in a Russian circus.  Joker recruited them and had Thomas Eliot (Hush) separate them.  Joker then decided only to keep Mr Hammer because he wanted a "right hand man".


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