Sunday 26 February 2017

The Clown King of Crime

I finally finished up the leader to my Joker Crew for BMG, Arkham City Joker.  Who does not like a strutting Joker figure?  The Joker is my all time favorite villain. He is such a great contrast to Batman.  The hero wearing all black while his arch-nemesis dresses in bright vibrant colours is a great image.  The portrayal of the two in the Arkham games is great.  Batman is his usual brooding self while the Joker always appears to be enjoying his life (or unlife...spoiler alert?).

There have been many different takes on the Joker character.  However, I have always loved Mark Hamill's voice work for him in the original animated series.  The gravelly voice that can go from hysterically funny in one sentence to bone chilling creepy in the next.  I loved it when they got both Kevin Conroy and Mark Hamill to voice Batman and Joker respectively in the Arkham series (except Origins).  It was amazing to hear the voices I grew up watching with a much more darker adult tone  (it's almost like they grew up with me).
In the BMG,  Joker is an amazing leader.  Hands down his greatest ability is Kaos Agent.  This rule has two parts.  First, you take one of your opponents turn counters out of the "Take the Lead" pool.  This lowers the amount of turns in the game by one and increases the odds of Jokers crew taking the lead.  The really incredible part of the Kaos Agent rule though, is that is gives all Henchmen with the Joker affiliate gain the "Trickster" ability.  This allows a model to rearrange his action counters at the start of his activation.  The Joker crew lead by the Clown King of Crime to be highly versatile and able to react more easily to their opponents activation.

The most fun rule Joker has in my opinion is the combination of "Total Vision" (can see anywhere on the board) and his remote controlled Exploding Teeth weapon.  You can play it like Arkham City Batman and his Baterangs, but with an explosion template!

A potentially more deadly combination is his "Luck" ability (1 special counter to re-roll one dice) and his "One Shot Gun" (one use only firearm that auto hits and inflicts 3 blood damage and Crit: Casualty).  Use the "Luck" ability to re-roll the collateral damage dice to increase the chances of a critical hit (which in this case would remove the enemy model from play immediately as a casualty).


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