Tuesday 31 January 2017

Morghast Archai and "Alternative Rules"

I finished up the first of two Morghast Archai.  In one of my last posts I talked about the feeling of not knowing where to start on a model which leads to hesitation to paint it.  I definitely had that problem with the Morghast.  I had no idea where to begin on this model (at least I did not have to build it, thanks Zajac!).  I eventually decided to experiment with a quick bone colour.  I was happy with the result (my dry brushing skills are very rusty) and the rest of the model fell into place.

The base was a little frustrating.  I used an old grave marker to spruce up the base.  I wanted it to blend in better so I mixed some plaster and put a layer on the base.  Then I figured to toughen up the plaster, I would paint a thin coat of PVA glue on.  Everything looked great.  I painted the green and then put on a thin coat of Agrellan Earth.  It cracked great...except it pulled up the green base coat with it, so all you could see was the white plaster.  I guess the PVA made it too smooth for the paint really stick.  To fix this I put a thin coat of PVA glue and baking soda (I wanted some fine texture but not as coarse as sand) and did all the steps again.  It worked great the second time.

I even got to play my first game of Age of Sigmar against my old friend Ian and his dwarves.  It was a fun game.  It felt very equal all the way through.  Victory ebbed and flowed back and forth several times.  In the end the dwarves vanquished the rattling horde.

We realized part way through the game that we forgot to use many rules.  I like to think that we were just using "alternative rules".  Which are just a valid as "real" rules.  In fact I will go as far as to say they are superior; because if everyone is making rules up then no one is cheating.


  1. when did green become the goto color for spooky glow effects anyways... looks good man

    1. Glowey green roller coaster from Return of the King
