Thursday 13 December 2018

95/100 - The Night Before Hogswatch...take 2

3 years ago I made a little Hogswatch display box.  I was not  happy with the printed background that I had put in the box back then.  So I decided that I would update it a little by making a three-dimensional fireplace this year. 

I built the fireplace by gluing individual bricks to a plastic card backing.  The bricks were made out of strips of foamboard with the paper peeled off.  I added a thin layer of plaster over the foam to give the appearance of mortar (and some extra texture for the foam).  The plaster was a little to think after it dried (I will thin in out more for the next project).  As I started to paint it, the plaster started to flake off though.  I added a layer of Mod Podge to protect it.

While I was going for the 3D effect, I did not have a lot of space to give the fireplace much depth.  I decided that I would disguise the fireplace opening with a decorative grate.  I took 3 old Warhammer Bretonnian Men-at-Arms shields (also the name of one of my favorite Discworld books) and glued them together.

I did some rearranging of the scenic pieces and removed the bases for Albert and the Hogfather for better atmosphere.

The piece has a much more finished feel to it now.  It also was great practice for my next display box that is in the works, the Canting Crew Caroling.


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