Last week I did not think that I was going to be able to hit my 100 model goal for this year. I wanted to get some more of my owls done, but they are not really fast to paint and it is a crazy busy time of year.
So I started to look through my "shelf of unpainted shame" for something that I could work on in short bursts (between wrapping presents, baking and seeing friends/relatives). I found in the very back a few objective for Batman Miniature game that I converted up when the new addition came out but never painted.
What a better way to hit my painting objectives by painting objectives. I had an ace chemical container, titan container and an ammo crate ready to go. I was still missing two objectives, so I made a Wayne Tech objectives by taking the brief case off a Infinity civilian model. I then picked up some of the pre-primed DnD crates and made a medical supply objective.
These painted up fairly well and fast. Since I was using some converted objectives instead of the ones released by Knight Models, I decided to paint the name and Victory Points on each of the bases to avoid confusion while playing. I then went back and did the same thing to all my old objectives that have bases.
When I play games I also tend to use the same objectives (Ammo, Titan, Riddles and Batsignal), mainly because I can never quite remember how the other ones work. To help me with this I made some objective cards that I can place to the side of the game table as a quick reference for the objectives that I am using in that game. For the most part I just cut and pasted the info from the BMG rulebook (I had to remake a few of the tables).
Cant wait to try out the medical supplies and Wayne Tech in my next game!
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