Tuesday 11 December 2018

94/100 - "Beware The Court of Owls"

It has been a while since I have updated this blog.  That sadly means that I have also not been doing much hobbying.  However over the last week, between being sick...twice, I was able to finish a new model finally. 

I have started another crew for the Batman Miniatures game, the Court of Owls.  They have been one of my favorite villains for a while and I always wanted to paint up a crew.  Then Knight Models releases 2 amazing looking box set for the court (I cant wait to put Damian Wayne into the crew).  The Court of Owls will be an interesting crew.  They are an elite elite crew.  You don't get many models in your team, but most of them have mid-range Free Agent stats (Willpower 6, Attack, 4, Defense 4).

To help me get pumped and stay focused, I started a little BMG escalation league with a few good friends.  My hope is to finish 4 models (200rep) by the end of December.  The first member of my four was Ephraim Newhouse.  I used a brown colour palate with this model and lots of shading with watered down black.  I tended not to mix the paint much, and went more with multiple very thin layers to build  up the transitions.

Ephraim is a great model I think.  He has above average stats for a henchman.  His Scimitar deals 2 Blood Damage with the ability to deal an additional blood on a critical (instead of a stun damage).  Weapon Master gives him +1 to hit with his Scimitar as well.  He should be more then able to deal with most henchman in the game (and some leaders).

However I dont think that he is only a beater.  With Acrobat (+1 Movement and Dodge) he is fairly quick.  I was thinking of giving him the Camo Vest (stealth) and the Genetic Alteration (Fast) upgrades.  He would be harder to see from my opponents and a little faster, which would help him get to his Primary Target: Loot quicker. 

Whether I use him as a Loot Runner or a Beater (or more then likely a combination of both), I think Ephraim Newhouse will have a bright future in my Court crew.   


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