Thursday 20 December 2018

The Holiday Heist: A BMG Megabattle

This past weekend we played a holiday themed Batman Miniatures game megabattle at Lords of War Games and Hobbies.  The scenario was that Santa had left all of Gothams presents by 3 brightly lit Christmas trees (it is simply too dangerous to go home by home in Gotham).  The players had to rush and hold onto the presents till the end of the game.

We had eight people attend the event, and each brought with them a crew of up to 3 models and 150 reputation cost.  Since it was also the holiday season players had $1000 funding.  They could bring any three models from a crew and did not need a leader or sidekick (so they could bring only henchmen or free agents etc).

The teams were roughly as follows:

Good guys:
Arkham Knight Batman from the Batfamily geared up
CW Flash with Harrison Wells
Gordon with 2 SWAT guys
DKR Bane with two Arkham inmates out on a work release program

Bad Guys:
Clayface with 2 Arkham Prisoners
King Shark and Reverse Flash
two court of owl talons with the Butcher

Both side focused early on grabbing as many presents as possible.  Both Flashes kept running up grabbing a present then running back and dropping it off with a slower model.  Clayface kept grabbing presents and absorbing them into himself.

The game went back and forth a few times (I love seeing that in a megabattle).  The bad guys grabbed an early lead (mainly from Clayface and Reverse Flash) but the good guys where able to claw back a 4-3 victory at the end of the game.

One of the issues that we had with this custom scenario was that there was too many presents.  I was thinking more people would bring full 3 person crew or maybe more players would come out.  Each tree had 5 presents (15 in total). There was so many presents that people where not really stealing them from each other. In retrospect it was probably better to have 9-10.

One of the players, Ben, gave a good suggestion  that we implemented at the end of turn 2.  At the end of every recovery phase 2 random present exploded, dealing 1 automatic hit to whoever was holding it, dealing 1 stun and 1 blood with CRT: Casualty.  If no one was holding it, the present was just removed from the game.

It was fun and random.  Dealing some damage but not crippling anyone (except king shark maybe, but Batman already softened him up). It  also lowered the amount of available presents as the game moved forward.

Everyone seemed to have a great time,  the game moved well with not a lot of down time.  The store was also nice enough to donate some awesome prizes too.  If you held a present at the end of the game you actually received a present from the store. 

A big thank you to everyone who made it out, I had a blast running another one of our megabattles.  And thank you to Chris and Jay from Lords or War for the gaming space and wonderful prizes.

We will be starting a new challange league in the new year.  I hope to see many of you out for it! 


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