Thursday 20 December 2018

A Holiday Heist: The Scenario

Scenario:  The Holiday Heist
Overview:  With Gotham’s rampant crime and murder rate, instead of visiting everyone individually, Santa has decided to place all of the children’s gifts at convenient well-lit Christmas trees throughout the city.  However, Gotham’s criminal underworld see this as an easy score.  It is up to the cities vigilantes to ensure that the gifts get to where they are most deserving! 
Game Length: 6 rounds or when we run out of time
Objectives:  3 Present laden Christmas Trees.  No other Objectives will be used during this scenario.
Victory Conditions:  The team that controls the most presents (see below) during the recount phase of the last turn will be the victors! 
Special Rules:
-          Christmas Trees – In the center of the board there are three Christmas trees with 5 presents underneath each.  To retrieve a present from under the tree a model must be in base to base contact with the tree and manipulate it (1MC).  Remove of the presents from the tree and place with beside that model.  Christmas Trees cannot be harmed or destroyed.  They provide Ping! Roles like other terrain.  Any model may do this, even if they are not normally able to manipulate stuff. 
-          So Many Pretty Lights – Christmas Trees function as Lampposts that illuminate a 1inch area around the trees base.
-          What Thoughtful Gifts! -   A model carrying a present marker is considered to be controlling it.  EVERY model may control a present in this game.  If a model wishes to move while carrying a present, they must spend 1 additional MC before the move. A model can only carry one present marker at a time. Models may drop the present marker any time, and present markers may be stolen like weapons with the appropriate special rules.
If a model carrying a present marker drop it or becomes KO or a Casualty, place the present marker in base contact with the model where they became KO or in base contact with the model prior to removing it as a Casualty.
-          I saw it first! – If a model without a present is in base to base contact with an enemy model holding a present, they may attempt to wrestle it out of their grasp.  The model may make an unarmed melee attack action.  They may spend as many Attack Counts as they would like, PLUS one Special Counter.  Your opponent may then spend Defence Counters to Block the attack.  If any of the attacks hit, then both the attacker and the defender immediately roll a D6 and add their STR bonus to their roll (See table below).  Whoever rolled higher gets the present.   After who gets the present is resolved complete the attack as normal (roll for Damage, armour etc).

Models STR
Roll Bonus

-          Urban Terrain:  The Game Coordinator will set up Lampposts and Sewers.
-          Strategies:  Strategies will not be used during this game.
-          Crew Composition:  Up to any three models from a single Crew (including available Free Agents) with a total Reputation cost of 150 and $1000 Funding.  You do not need a Leader or Sidekick.
-          Tis the Season of Forgiveness: You may ignore the Aversion rule when making your crew

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