Wednesday 2 January 2019

2018 Recap and 2019 Going Forward

It has been a heck of a year.  Life does not slow down, it only speeds up it seems.  Even with being a new father, paternity leave and family vacation, it has been a productive year hobby wise.  I managed to hit my goal of 100 models near the end of December.  I updated this blog almost once a week all year long (hit a lull when I started my paternity leave and when I went back to work).

The vast majority of what I worked on was for the Batman Miniature game.  I was able to paint 2 new crews, a Brave and the Bold crew and the Jokers Elite Cosplayers.  I also started a third crew, the Court of Owls right at the end of the year.  I build four tables worth of terrain for the BMG tournament at the Sword and Brush event (I am looking forward to 2019th Sword and Brush).  I even entered my Joker Cosplayers and two of the amusement park stalls that I built into the painting contest at the Sword and Brush.  I was very happy and even more surprised to walk away with a Silver Metal. 

With BMG I also ran an escalation league and two themed megabattles at Lord of War.  Crisis on Infinite Earths DCU for Lords of War's birthday celebration, as well as a holiday themed BMG game called the The Holiday Heist.  We also saw our local game group that meets every other Sunday grow as well. 

I picked away at my Age of Sigmar Legions of Nagash army.  I got a few Spirit Hosts and a Vampire lord finished.  I also fixed up and rebased about 100 models for the army.  Just got to start painting them now...

I did not fully complete some of my targeted goals. I did finish over half of the dwarves from Thorins Company from The Hobbit. I also got just over half of my 1000pts Undead Warmaster army completed.  I plan to finish them both this year.

I expanded my hobby tools this year.  I build a custom gaming table in the spring.  I put it to good use over Christmas playing some Tanks! and Discworld board games with my brother and my wife.  2019 was also the year I finally broke into the airbrush scene.  I have a bare understanding of what I am doing, but I am slowly getting the hang of it.  I got some good painting lessons from some awesome local painters (Chris, Jay, Dai Viet and Patrick).   

All in all it was a good hobby year.

Now time to set some objectives for 2019:
-no set model count this year.  I want to keep painting and trying new things (having said that, I would be happy with hitting 100 again)
- get a new unit for my Legion of Nagash Army painted (a 2000 pt army has been on my list for 2 years, time to re-evaluate my goal lol)
-more BMG (probably a new villains crew and expand on existing crews)
-build 12 feet worth of raised highway or train tracks for my tournament BMG tables
-finish my 1000pts Warmaster and play a game
-finish my hobbit display boxes
-make two discworld display boxes
-do some more writing; probably BMG battle reports in different styles (narrative, dramatic etc) and a How To guide for some terrain projects. 

Here are a few of my favorite pieces for 2018:



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