I finished up the sidekick for my Team Arrow crew, TV version of The Flash. It is kinda fun to paint a model that is 90% one colour. When I finished the red, I was basically done. This version of The Flash is a little slim (especially when compared to the comic version). I added a dust trail behind the Flash to make him appear a little more substantial (also I don't know how I would even paint speed lines).
The Flash will make an interesting addition to the game. I don't really know how to use him yet. The speed force powers are new to me, it is going to take some trial and error to figure them out. I could use the Flash to grab objectives quickly, or to set up an ambush. TV Flash also has "Speed Force Master", which allows him to use two powers a turn. So I could make him more potent in combat by increasing both the amount of attacks and increasing his strength. The Flash could also disarm a gun toting Henchmen for a round. If things go bad, he can also heal both blood and stun damage.
The one power that is unique to the tv version is the "Speed Force Bolts". Which will allow the Flash to make a range attack on an unlucky foe that hits automatically, wounds on a 3+, and causes one blood and two stun damage.
Up next is another model that is 90% one colour. I will give you a hint, "(insert name here), you have failed this city!"
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