Monday 13 March 2017

The Proud Men and Women of the GCPD

I finished up another two GCPD members for my Batman/Arrow crews.  The low level cops are a definite must for any Batman/Arrow crew.  Batman or Sidekick turns on the Batsignal ASAP while the cops go after the ground level objectives.  Also the low rep cops have "Arrest" (1MC + 1SC = remove KO'd model in base contact as a casualty).  This has a double benefit in the game.  First off, it  removes KO'd models from the game; so they don't get back up and cause problems later.  Secondly, it gets you a few extra victory points from removing those KO'd models as casualties.

I also repainted one more of my cars.  The GCPD have a cruiser to bring in the ruffians of Gotham city.  I actually painted this model twice.  Turns out I cannot free hand paint lettering worth a damn.  I ended up using some scrapbook lettering stickers.  They are not the greatest, but they got the job done.  I think on the next one I might try cutting out a stencil from heavy card.   Or maybe I will repaint it for a third time.

I always thought that it would have been cool to see a TV series all about the cops in Gotham (This was before the Gotham TV sow came out).  Basically a CSI: Gotham, where you never actually see Batman.  You may see something move quick out of the corner of the screen when the cops arrive at a crime scene, but you never actually see the bat.  Or the cops can hear Gordon talking to someone in his office, but when they go in he is alone and the window is open.  Little did I know that there was already a whole comic series about that entitled "Gotham Central".  It ran 40 issues from 2002 until 2006.  It was definitely worth the read.  

What's up next on the painting table?  I will give you a hint, "My name is Barry Allen and I am the fastest man alive".


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