Sunday 15 January 2017

Suicide Squad - Harley Quinn

I finished up the seventh member of my Suicide Squad yesterday, Dr. Harleen Frances Quinzel.  Sometimes I get a model that I really want to paint.  The model is sculpted great, it is dynamic and has a lot of character.  I really want to do a good job on it.  But then I don't know where to start.  I end up delaying painting it, not knowing how to approach it.   I psych myself out and it sits on my shelf for several days (in this case a few weeks).  Suicide Squad Harley was one of those models for me.

I eventually decided to just block out the colours on the whole model.  Paint on the skin base colour.  Put on the initial red and blue on the clothes.  Paint the hair a yellow brown.  From there I just picked one part of the model and highlighted it.  Eventually the model was done.

This new version of Harley should be interesting.  She has the same physical stats as the classic costume Harley I painted last year.  Their hand to hand weapons are similar, but the new Harley does get a ranged attack with her "Hate/love Gun".

It is in her Personal and Special Traits that they differ.  The classic Harley can be a little faster (she has fast...) and does have a "reach" weapon with the 360° special attack (which will push everyone back, she can clear a room with one swing).  Both have Acrobat (great for objectives and getting to pesky people sitting on building tops).

The Squad Harley does have Confusion which is a better version on the other Harleys Distract.  I really like the new Harleys Combat flip rule.  It will make it very difficultly to surround her and block her path.  And the Voices special rule (Attack counters are wild cards) with the Suicide Squad Harley will be very useful.

I am looking forward to some games!

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