Saturday 9 May 2015

Thoughts from Places: The Plane

It is so easy to fall into our day to day routines.  We get up, go to work, come home and get some stuff done around the house, spend what time remains with loved ones, then repeat.   Now this is  not a bad thing.  We like our jobs (at least I do).  Things need to get done around the house.  I quality time with loved ones is the icing.  We don't know what we are missing out there.

However,  sitting here in a new fangled flying machine, I can't stop imagining the possibilities.  Anywhere in the world is a possible destination.  If we have the imagination.  We are living in a time where we are so connect with the whole world and at the same time anything out of the ordinary seems so far away.  

To quote the late but still great Terry Pratchett.  "Humans are a remarkable creature.  In a world with so much possiblities , they have  created 'boredom'"

This is the first day of Helen and my newest adventure.  We are heading out to see what wonders Canada has in store for us.  This Country is so big and has such a  variety of landscapes.  

First up the beaches, forests and mountains of Vancouver.

It looks like space

snow covered mounmountians
We made it to Vancouver

Kevin and Helen 

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