Tuesday 12 May 2015

Thoughts from Places - Day Four: Why is everything on the Rockies closed?!

We woke up this morning in our tent to a nice crisp -2 degrees.  I  can say with confidence that MEC sleeping bags work pretty well.  Today's trip was a drive through the rockies, from Golden all the way to Drumheller.  In three days we have gone from ocean coast line to snow topped mountains and now badlands desert.  Times like this I realize how unbelievably awesome Canada is!

We had a nice stop at Lake Louise, a beautiful mountain lake.  Still frozen with snow on the ground.  This was followed by lunch in Banff and a little shopping.

I love driving through the mountains.   I don't think I could ever get tired of it.  I do have one bone to pick though.  Why is everything closed!?  We make good time driving because there is no place to stop.  All the rest stops are closed, all the hiking trails are closed, and to top it off even Moraine Lake was closed.  I had the same problem last time I drove through.  Do they ever open?

On the bright side we are now in Drumheller.  This is easily one of my favorite places in  Canada (second only to Dinosaur provincial park).  We got here late so we are going to do the Royal Tyrrell Museum tomorrow.  I am like a kid on Christmas Eve.

I am going to keep an eye on this guy...
Kevin and Helen

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