Wednesday 13 May 2015

Thoughts from Places - Day Five: DINOSAURS!

We had a nice light day of driving today.  Only about two hours.  The rest of the time was spent Dino hunting.

I love dinosaurs.  It was the first true passion that I can remember.  My mom used to say that if there was one thing in a store with dinosaurs on it, I would find it.

Drumheller is awesome.  There are dinosaur statues out front most businesses.  Plus there is the Royal Tyrrell Museum.   It is an incredible collection of prehistoric life!  I could never get tired of it.

We are now in Dinosaur provincial park.  My favorite park!  Nice camp sites (which remind me of old Clint Eastwood movies).  The red deer river runs along it.  There are even partially excavated dinosaurs along the hiking trails!

I must really thank my fiancée Helen.  She has indulged my Dino fascination.  When planning this trip she made sure there was ample time to spend in Drumheller and Dinosaur Provincial park. I think she has even caught a bit of the Dino fever.

Kevin and Helen 

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