Wednesday 2 October 2019

38 - Monster T

A few weeks ago one of my friends, Ben, from our Batman gaming group surprised me with a little gift.  He was able to track down a Monster T as a thank you for the time and effort I put into our little community.  Ben is one of my favorite people to play against, even when he is kicking your ass he some how convinces you that you are having the time of your life.

Monster T was the only Suicide Squad model that I did not have (I even have a copy of Bombshell Harley, but not painted yet).  It is awesome to have the whole collection  now.

Now a lot of people probably don't even know who Monster T is.  He had a very short part in the movie.  The only reason I remember him is because he was played by Common (the Singer/Actor).  And Common was on one of my all time favorite shows, Hell on Wheels.  However there is little chance of him showing up in the next Suicide Squad movie seeing how Joker kills him for looking at Harley the wrong way. 

In-game Monster T is ok, but nothing really jumps out at you.  He is a free agent for bad guys and has average stats of mostly 3s (except a movement 2 boo).  Endurance 6 and a 4+ strength is nice.  His weapons are basic, just a knife and the worse type of handgun. 

His traits make him a little more viable.  Disturb allows Monster T to choose a model in line of site and that model action counters can not be relocated.  Now this is nice cause you can use it on both your own crew and on your opponents crew.  It can be a very powerful ability but I feel that it very situational. 

Goad is probably his most useful trait (it is really an under appreciated one).  You can choose one enemy model within eight inches, they make a willpower test, if they fail you can move them two inches.  Great for pulling people off objectives at the end of the round or feeding something to your beaters like King Shark. 

His most fun trait is Handson Hunke Hunka.  If at any time this model is within 10cm of both a friendly Joker and Harley you must remove Monster T as a casualty.  Now, I know that it is easy to avoid this by not using Monster T in a crew with both those models...but it is so thematic that I feel that I need too!

Thanks again Ben!


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