Sunday 27 October 2019

42 - Deadman and Etrigan The Demon

We started a "Paint or Die" challenge at Lords of War this week to kick off the new edition of DCU.  The idea is you pick up a new team, then you have one month to get the whole thing painted.  For every person that enters the challenge, LoWG will add a prize to a pool.  Everyone who completes the challenge before the deadline gets a raffle ticket.  They will then draw tickets for each prize in the pool, so only people who completed the  challenge can win anything.

I could not decide what I wanted to work on originally.  I was thinking between 4 projects, The Justice League Rebox, Justice League Dark, Lex Corp or Dark Knight Metals.  I really want the new Jason Mamoa Aquaman (and I also never got around to picking up the Ezra Miller Flash).  But I already had the other three members in metal painted up.  I decided to hold off on the JL for now.  I will probably still pick up this set at some time and gift my old metal models to a friend.  The Lex Corp release was not shipped out from the distributor yet, so that knocked it off my list.  Then on the day I went in to pick up my new team, LoWG had just sold out of the Dark Knight Metals.  Circumstance made my choice very easy, Justice League Dark it was.

It also helped that it is leading up to Halloween (one of my favorite holidays), and I have just been reading the new Justice League Dark comic title (man I wish Knight Models came out with a Detective Chimp model!).  I painted up Zantana a few weeks ago, but the remaining 5 members (six models) actually makes up a 58 level team nicely. 

With third edition on the horizon (and a lot of uncertainty) I will refrain from talking about the models rules for BMG.  Chances are, with the new changes my thoughts on these models will not be accurate in the near future.  Instead I will look more into how I painted them. After I get a few games in I will take a look at their rules for DCU (individually and as a team). 

I started with Deadman.  He seemed the simplest and most straight forward of the group, pale skin with a red leotard.  I worked up my usual red progression using Citadel paints; Mephiston, Carroburg Crimson wash, Mepshiston, Evil Sunz Scarlet, and a final highlight of Wild Rider Red. The trick I find with red, it to layer it with many many thin watered down coats.  I decided to try something different with this model, I wanted to make the red a little darker and deeper.  I followed a friend's advice, and tried to add some thinned down purple to the shadows, but I could not get it looking right (I will have to go into the store and get a quick tutorial).  So I decided to try a glaze of Blood Angels Red Contrast mixed with Lahmian Medium.  It really did darken the red, but I feel that it also washed out a lot of my highlights.  I have not figured out how to use the contrast paints with my style of painting. 

The skin was a Rakarth Flesh with highlights from Pallid Wych Flesh.  I then added some purple shadows to the cheeks with many many thin layers of very very diluted Scale 75 Inktense Violet.  I also did the "D" on the costume with the same tones. 

While I was working on Deadman, I started Etrigan the Demon as well (most of his body suit is red too).  The red was worked up the same as on Deadman, without the contrast wash. I also went a bit heavier on the Wild Rider red highlight to give it more of an orange hue.  The skin was Balor Brown, Seraphim Sepia wash.  Then each highligh was just Balor with more and more Scale 75 Birch.  The cloak was Caledor Sky.  I then tried using Contrast Leviadon Blue with the Lahmian Medium.  I then went back and worked up the highlights with Caledor, and Scale 75 Sky Blue.  For the final hightlight I added a a bit of white to the mix.  The bracelets, belt buckle and broach I went with the Scale 75 gold set to tie in with the warm reds and yellows of the skins and clothes.

One week down, 2/6 models complete.  Next up will be Etrigans other half, Jason Blood.  Remember that next Sunday (November 3rd) is our Batmite Megabattle at LoWG.  These custom scenario games are always a blast, there is always a bunch of wackiness going on!  Some come on out for it!


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