Tuesday 29 October 2019

43 - Jason Blood

I got a few late night painting sessions in over the weekend.  It was productive and I was able to finish up Jason Blood fairly quickly.  For the turtle neck and pants I went with a Scale 75 (S75) Graphene Grey and black for the base coat.  I then layered in several thin coats of just Graphene grey.  The final highlights on the pants were achieved by adding in some S75 Arctic Blue.  I toned down the shirt by glazing some thin coats of black over top.  The jacket was Vallejo Beige Brown.  With S75 Birch added into for the highlights.  After painting colourful characters like Etrigan and Deadman, painting a dude in a suit was a fun change (I also had the Lonely Island song "Turtle Neck and Chains" stuck in my head the whole time).

Jason Blood and Etrigan look like they will be very good in the DCU game.  The are at the high end of the mid-range characters at 14 levels.  When the game starts you only put Jason Blood on the table.  Most of his Skills and Attacks are not available at that time. As soon as Jason health moves into the pale blue area you remove his model and replace it with Etrigan.  At this point, all his Skills become active and he has more Attack actions to choose from, but looses his Precognition power.

Jason Blood is just a basic human.  He is average speed and has a strength of one.  His Precognition skill is versatile; a Blue Power Cost 2 ability that forces the target within 8 to re-roll one die.  This can be used on friend or foe.  He only has access to a single attack, Eldritch Blast, but it is a really good attack.  It is a Green, Power Cost 2 melee attack, dealing Supernatural damage with a range of 9(even though it is melee) and the Stun/1 effect.  A green, 2 power, 2 supernatural damage is amazing (Especially with all the new Kyptonians that just showed up). 

When Etrigan shows up the model suddenly get much more tough.  He gains Resistance to Physical and Energy One in addition to Regeneration 2!  He also goes up to strength 5, so he can start throwing things around!  Etrigan is much faster with Wall-Crawler and Agile (can move a second time each turn).  The Demon Claws attack is a lost power cost (2) Green Physical attack that deals 3 damage, but can be overloaded to deal an additional 2 damage.  He also has Helfire, which is a flame template Blue, 3 power cost Supernatural attack.

Both forms have Elite Fighter (+1 to hit melee roles), Soldier (re-roll Stamina checks) and Power Transference/2 (can give a friendly model 2 power counters).   They also have average Physical (15) and Energy (14) defenses, but really nice Supernatural (17) and Mind (17).

At the beginning of the game Jason is more of a support piece.  He forces some re-rolls and throws a few fireballs.  When Etrigan appears he turns into a beater. It looks like he can take a good amount of damage, and still deal a good amount of damage in return.  I could also see him as a good good objective runner with his Agile Ability and Wall Crawler (He should be able to get were he needs to go).  I am looking forward to getting this model onto the table, but I feel that I will have to try and speak in rhyme whenever I active him.

 The other man in a suit is up next, John Constantine.


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