I finished painting my last model for the Paint or Die challenge at Lords of War. I saved Swamp Thing for last because he was one that I thought would be easy and straight forward. Painting deadlines definitely have some benefits, but they also have some drawbacks.
On the positive side they are a great source of motivation. I picked up the Justice League Dark box for this challenge and it is now all painted. I had also picked up the Teen Titans box several months ago and they are still sitting on my shelf, primed but sad looking.
There is also a unison when you paint all the models in a given set in the same time period. You tend to use the same style, and techniques, and the quality stays the same.
On the flip side, you may get board with a project but still feel compelled to complete it. This in itself is not a bad thing, but you may not end up giving it your get effort if your heart is not in it. I also find that you don't progress your abilities or try new techniques as easily. If your time is limited, you may not be inclined to gamble this limited resource on a painting experiment. Instead you fall back on old patterns and styles. This was definitely what I found while working on Swamp Thing.
Instead of trying some glazing, or working up through some thin watered down layers I went back to my old style of 3 tone mixing; base > base + highlight colour > highlight. I grabbed a few different greens (the new wall mounted painted shelf made this part wonderful) and started picking out various parts of Swamp Things body. I added some wood/brown areas to break the green up. I really really hated the result. I felt it was a step back from what I had been working on over the last year.
However since I had progressed with the rest of the JLD fairly quickly, I actually had some extra time before the due date. I decided to gamble a bit and use a technique that I had been practicing. I took Scale 75 Inktense Chestnut and diluted it with a lot water . I then applied several glazes to some of the green areas (including the head). It really did mute the green and give it a brown hue. When it was dry I was much happier with the model. I picked out the red peddles and eyes and then called it a day.
In-game Swamp Thing is the Tank of the Justice League Dark. He has an abundance of health (22!), Regenerate/2 and Revival. Revival allows him to be placed in contact with a table edge if he is ever killed (he does come back hurt, and awards the opponent an additional VP though). It is almost impossible to keep him down.
His stats are good, with a high strength and a good Willpower (with a re-roll thanks to Scientific skill). He is a little slow with a move of 5/8. However he does have a Blue ability called The Green that cost 6 power that allows him to be placed anywhere on the table that his base fits. His defenses are good at 16, with a Supernatural of 18! Power 10 is also nice, but he is fairly pricey at 16 levels.
His attacks are solid too. His green Altered Limb physical attack cost 3, with a 2 damage but has a range of 3. His Magic Spikes with a power cost of 3, shooting range of 6 and dealing 3 supernatural damage is great. The once per game Roots attack can be amazing as well if set up right. A pulse attack with a range of 4 and Ensnare/5 (-5 movement) can really mess up someone plans. But that is a large area and you are going have to do some careful planning to make sure that you done have any friends near by.
I imagine that one of Swamp Things greatest abilities will be his Bodyguard special ability. With regeneration and being able to come back from the dead, Swamp Thing will be able to protect some of the more squishy people in his team (Zantana and Constantine I am thinking).
It is good to get the challenge done, I was worried there for a while. This has been the most painting and productive I have been in a while!
Thursday, 14 November 2019
Friday, 8 November 2019
45 - Black Orchid
This week I went to work on Black Orchid for the Justice League Dark Paint or Die Challenge. This was an interesting model to work on. I was intrigued to try and paint a pink model (a colour I have had very limited experience with), and the colour pattern on her cape looked fun. It did not turn out how I had initially planed, I don't hate it, but I also don't love it. It is one of those projects that you just have to call it complete or move on or it will drive you mad.
I started out by painting the whole model Citadel (C) Screamer Pink. I then gave it a light wash with Carroburg Crimson. I layered back on the Screamer Pink, then worked in some C Pink Horror for the highlights. The finial highlight was achieved by adding a little bit of white to the previous mixture.
I then when back and painted the webbing on the head, legs and hips black. This was then highlighted by adding small bits of Game Air Dead White to it. I ended up painting the cape multiple times. I originally painted it pink with the rest of the body, then painted in the negative space with black, leaving some pink dots. It looked horrible. So I ended up repainting the whole cape with black. I then worked up the highlights by adding Dead White. I used Scale 75 (S75) Inktense Black with a lot of water to glaze the highlights together. I ended up over glazing and washed most of the highlights out. I added the pink dots with the same system as the body (minus the Caroburg Crimson wash). I then worked up the black highlights a bit more.
On the table Black Orchid is a bit of a mystery to me. I am not entirely sure how to use her. She is a low level cost at only 8. She has fairly average stats, with the only stand outs being a strength of 4 and Fly. Her skills are fairly defensive, Infiltrator (can be deployed anywhere on the table at the start of the game), Regeneration/1 (heal 1 damage at the end of each turn) and Power Transference/1 (can give a friendly model within 4" one power at the start of BO activation). She also has good Physical and Energy defenses at 17 (18 for Energy when in the grey injury zone), but average for Supernatural (15) and Mind (16).
He attacks appear OK. Average power cost, average damage, nothing really exciting. Her Red (once per game) Pheromones attack could be devastating in the right situation. A spray template with a Stun/5 (loose 5 power counters) could really mess up an opponents plan.
All her Special Powers are defensive in nature. Impersonation means that if Black Orchid has not activated yet the enemy must pass a willpower test to attack her. Force Field gives her Resistance/2 to Physical and Energy (But it has a power cost of 4 and is an Active ability - not reactive). Spy blocks the opponent from activating two models consecutively, which can also be nice, but it also costs 4 power.
I think Black Orchid biggest draw back is only having a power of 7. It basically means that she is only doing one thing a turn. She is ether going defensive, turning on her Force Field and saving a few power for defensive improvements, or she is going to try and fly some where and maybe get one punch in. I could see her as an objective runner. Infiltrate would get her close early on, then she could fly to where she needs to go and throw up her Shield to hold the ground until backup arrives.
I really don't know. Much like Deadman, she is very different from the models I am used to playing. I am going to have to get her on the table and try and figure out how best she works.
There is one week left for the Paint or Die Challenge, and I have one more model, Swamp Thing!
I started out by painting the whole model Citadel (C) Screamer Pink. I then gave it a light wash with Carroburg Crimson. I layered back on the Screamer Pink, then worked in some C Pink Horror for the highlights. The finial highlight was achieved by adding a little bit of white to the previous mixture.
I then when back and painted the webbing on the head, legs and hips black. This was then highlighted by adding small bits of Game Air Dead White to it. I ended up painting the cape multiple times. I originally painted it pink with the rest of the body, then painted in the negative space with black, leaving some pink dots. It looked horrible. So I ended up repainting the whole cape with black. I then worked up the highlights by adding Dead White. I used Scale 75 (S75) Inktense Black with a lot of water to glaze the highlights together. I ended up over glazing and washed most of the highlights out. I added the pink dots with the same system as the body (minus the Caroburg Crimson wash). I then worked up the black highlights a bit more.
On the table Black Orchid is a bit of a mystery to me. I am not entirely sure how to use her. She is a low level cost at only 8. She has fairly average stats, with the only stand outs being a strength of 4 and Fly. Her skills are fairly defensive, Infiltrator (can be deployed anywhere on the table at the start of the game), Regeneration/1 (heal 1 damage at the end of each turn) and Power Transference/1 (can give a friendly model within 4" one power at the start of BO activation). She also has good Physical and Energy defenses at 17 (18 for Energy when in the grey injury zone), but average for Supernatural (15) and Mind (16).
He attacks appear OK. Average power cost, average damage, nothing really exciting. Her Red (once per game) Pheromones attack could be devastating in the right situation. A spray template with a Stun/5 (loose 5 power counters) could really mess up an opponents plan.
All her Special Powers are defensive in nature. Impersonation means that if Black Orchid has not activated yet the enemy must pass a willpower test to attack her. Force Field gives her Resistance/2 to Physical and Energy (But it has a power cost of 4 and is an Active ability - not reactive). Spy blocks the opponent from activating two models consecutively, which can also be nice, but it also costs 4 power.
I think Black Orchid biggest draw back is only having a power of 7. It basically means that she is only doing one thing a turn. She is ether going defensive, turning on her Force Field and saving a few power for defensive improvements, or she is going to try and fly some where and maybe get one punch in. I could see her as an objective runner. Infiltrate would get her close early on, then she could fly to where she needs to go and throw up her Shield to hold the ground until backup arrives.
I really don't know. Much like Deadman, she is very different from the models I am used to playing. I am going to have to get her on the table and try and figure out how best she works.
There is one week left for the Paint or Die Challenge, and I have one more model, Swamp Thing!
Sunday, 3 November 2019
44 - John Constantine
I chipped away at John Constantine through out the week and finished him off late Saturday night. This was a rewarding model to paint. I tried using some colours for basecoats that have never worked out for me in the past because I could not figure out what to highlight it with, but finally cracked it.
I wanted dark grey for his pants, but to stand out from Jason Blood's pants. I decided to use Scale 75 (S75) Petroleum Grey. This is a dark grey that has almost a slight brown/purple tint to it when it dries. I have never used it right. This time I mixed in some S75 Artic Blue for the highlights. The light tones of the blue mixed well with the purple hue of the grey. To darken the pants after the highlights and to add more shadow I did a light glaze of watered down black.
I also wanted his trench coat to stand out from Jason's jacket. I chose to go with an old Flames of War colour, US Field Drab. It is a beige with a slight yellow tint. I did the highlights by adding in Citadel (C) Pallid Wych Flesh. I then used some watered down S75 Dubai Brown with a drop of black to add some shadows to the recesses.
I got the dirty blonde hair by using a mix of Vallego (V) Middlestone and V Beige Brown. I then added S75 Birch for the highlights.
From looking at his rules I imagine that John Constantine will play the roll of hard to kill support. He has good power level at 10, then fairly basic human stats for everything else. A Willpower 12 is nice though. He is slow, but does have access to a Blue/3 Power 14" Teleport move. He has slightly below average defense for Physical and Energy defense with a 14, but great Mind and Supernatural defense with an 18. However his low defenses are mitigated by a few of his special abilities.
First is Charm. Any model that wants to attack him has to first pass a Willpower test. It is super annoying in BMG, I cant imagine it is any less annoying in DCU. Secondly if Constantine is targeted by an attack, he can redirect it toward a different friendly model within 2 inches with Final Fate (once per turn). Basically it is a reverse body guard. Although he has to chose to do this before using this Charm rule.
His Dirty Cheater ability is very reliable. It allows you to choose the defense of the model you are attacking and the attack also ignores resistances (so if Constantine is throwing a Fire Bolt, which is usually Supernatural Damage, at Enchantress, who has high Supernatural defense, Constantine can choose to role against he Physical defense of 15 instead. Making it easier to hit her and now the attack ignores her Supernatural Resistance/1).
His attacks have a fairly high power cost (3 and 4) for relatively lower damage (1 and 2 mainly). However all his attacks have a great effects. His Fire Bolt is an explosive 2 (everyone within 2" gets hit). The Magic Seal has Ensnare/8 (-8" to movement). Mind Tricks has Stun/3 (-3 Power counters) and Dazzle/3 (-3 Mind Defense). Hellfire is a spray template with Ensnare/3 (-3" movement). He can really slow people down and hurt them if they clump together.
His skills go nicely with his support/harassment role. Luck Allows him to re-roll a single die each turn. Mastermind adds an addition turn counter to the bag for his team. Power Thief allows him to steal power from people he hits with close combat attacks (and for some reason the exploding Fire Bolt attack is a close combat attack). Strategist gives his team an additional "pass" during activation.
Constantine is not dealing the damage of Zatana, nor is he the brute force of Blood/Etrigan. He is however survivable, effective and super annoying!
The Justice League Dark is coming together, two models left. Up next with Black Orchid.
I wanted dark grey for his pants, but to stand out from Jason Blood's pants. I decided to use Scale 75 (S75) Petroleum Grey. This is a dark grey that has almost a slight brown/purple tint to it when it dries. I have never used it right. This time I mixed in some S75 Artic Blue for the highlights. The light tones of the blue mixed well with the purple hue of the grey. To darken the pants after the highlights and to add more shadow I did a light glaze of watered down black.
I also wanted his trench coat to stand out from Jason's jacket. I chose to go with an old Flames of War colour, US Field Drab. It is a beige with a slight yellow tint. I did the highlights by adding in Citadel (C) Pallid Wych Flesh. I then used some watered down S75 Dubai Brown with a drop of black to add some shadows to the recesses.
I got the dirty blonde hair by using a mix of Vallego (V) Middlestone and V Beige Brown. I then added S75 Birch for the highlights.
First is Charm. Any model that wants to attack him has to first pass a Willpower test. It is super annoying in BMG, I cant imagine it is any less annoying in DCU. Secondly if Constantine is targeted by an attack, he can redirect it toward a different friendly model within 2 inches with Final Fate (once per turn). Basically it is a reverse body guard. Although he has to chose to do this before using this Charm rule.
His Dirty Cheater ability is very reliable. It allows you to choose the defense of the model you are attacking and the attack also ignores resistances (so if Constantine is throwing a Fire Bolt, which is usually Supernatural Damage, at Enchantress, who has high Supernatural defense, Constantine can choose to role against he Physical defense of 15 instead. Making it easier to hit her and now the attack ignores her Supernatural Resistance/1).
His attacks have a fairly high power cost (3 and 4) for relatively lower damage (1 and 2 mainly). However all his attacks have a great effects. His Fire Bolt is an explosive 2 (everyone within 2" gets hit). The Magic Seal has Ensnare/8 (-8" to movement). Mind Tricks has Stun/3 (-3 Power counters) and Dazzle/3 (-3 Mind Defense). Hellfire is a spray template with Ensnare/3 (-3" movement). He can really slow people down and hurt them if they clump together.
Constantine is not dealing the damage of Zatana, nor is he the brute force of Blood/Etrigan. He is however survivable, effective and super annoying!
The Justice League Dark is coming together, two models left. Up next with Black Orchid.
Tuesday, 29 October 2019
43 - Jason Blood
I got a few late night painting sessions in over the weekend. It was productive and I was able to finish up Jason Blood fairly quickly. For the turtle neck and pants I went with a Scale 75 (S75) Graphene Grey and black for the base coat. I then layered in several thin coats of just Graphene grey. The final highlights on the pants were achieved by adding in some S75 Arctic Blue. I toned down the shirt by glazing some thin coats of black over top. The jacket was Vallejo Beige Brown. With S75 Birch added into for the highlights. After painting colourful characters like Etrigan and Deadman, painting a dude in a suit was a fun change (I also had the Lonely Island song "Turtle Neck and Chains" stuck in my head the whole time).
Jason Blood and Etrigan look like they will be very good in the DCU game. The are at the high end of the mid-range characters at 14 levels. When the game starts you only put Jason Blood on the table. Most of his Skills and Attacks are not available at that time. As soon as Jason health moves into the pale blue area you remove his model and replace it with Etrigan. At this point, all his Skills become active and he has more Attack actions to choose from, but looses his Precognition power.
Jason Blood is just a basic human. He is average speed and has a strength of one. His Precognition skill is versatile; a Blue Power Cost 2 ability that forces the target within 8 to re-roll one die. This can be used on friend or foe. He only has access to a single attack, Eldritch Blast, but it is a really good attack. It is a Green, Power Cost 2 melee attack, dealing Supernatural damage with a range of 9(even though it is melee) and the Stun/1 effect. A green, 2 power, 2 supernatural damage is amazing (Especially with all the new Kyptonians that just showed up).
When Etrigan shows up the model suddenly get much more tough. He gains Resistance to Physical and Energy One in addition to Regeneration 2! He also goes up to strength 5, so he can start throwing things around! Etrigan is much faster with Wall-Crawler and Agile (can move a second time each turn). The Demon Claws attack is a lost power cost (2) Green Physical attack that deals 3 damage, but can be overloaded to deal an additional 2 damage. He also has Helfire, which is a flame template Blue, 3 power cost Supernatural attack.
Both forms have Elite Fighter (+1 to hit melee roles), Soldier (re-roll Stamina checks) and Power Transference/2 (can give a friendly model 2 power counters). They also have average Physical (15) and Energy (14) defenses, but really nice Supernatural (17) and Mind (17).
At the beginning of the game Jason is more of a support piece. He forces some re-rolls and throws a few fireballs. When Etrigan appears he turns into a beater. It looks like he can take a good amount of damage, and still deal a good amount of damage in return. I could also see him as a good good objective runner with his Agile Ability and Wall Crawler (He should be able to get were he needs to go). I am looking forward to getting this model onto the table, but I feel that I will have to try and speak in rhyme whenever I active him.
The other man in a suit is up next, John Constantine.
Jason Blood and Etrigan look like they will be very good in the DCU game. The are at the high end of the mid-range characters at 14 levels. When the game starts you only put Jason Blood on the table. Most of his Skills and Attacks are not available at that time. As soon as Jason health moves into the pale blue area you remove his model and replace it with Etrigan. At this point, all his Skills become active and he has more Attack actions to choose from, but looses his Precognition power.

When Etrigan shows up the model suddenly get much more tough. He gains Resistance to Physical and Energy One in addition to Regeneration 2! He also goes up to strength 5, so he can start throwing things around! Etrigan is much faster with Wall-Crawler and Agile (can move a second time each turn). The Demon Claws attack is a lost power cost (2) Green Physical attack that deals 3 damage, but can be overloaded to deal an additional 2 damage. He also has Helfire, which is a flame template Blue, 3 power cost Supernatural attack.
Both forms have Elite Fighter (+1 to hit melee roles), Soldier (re-roll Stamina checks) and Power Transference/2 (can give a friendly model 2 power counters). They also have average Physical (15) and Energy (14) defenses, but really nice Supernatural (17) and Mind (17).
At the beginning of the game Jason is more of a support piece. He forces some re-rolls and throws a few fireballs. When Etrigan appears he turns into a beater. It looks like he can take a good amount of damage, and still deal a good amount of damage in return. I could also see him as a good good objective runner with his Agile Ability and Wall Crawler (He should be able to get were he needs to go). I am looking forward to getting this model onto the table, but I feel that I will have to try and speak in rhyme whenever I active him.
The other man in a suit is up next, John Constantine.
Sunday, 27 October 2019
42 - Deadman and Etrigan The Demon
We started a "Paint or Die" challenge at Lords of War this week to kick off the new edition of DCU. The idea is you pick up a new team, then you have one month to get the whole thing painted. For every person that enters the challenge, LoWG will add a prize to a pool. Everyone who completes the challenge before the deadline gets a raffle ticket. They will then draw tickets for each prize in the pool, so only people who completed the challenge can win anything.
I could not decide what I wanted to work on originally. I was thinking between 4 projects, The Justice League Rebox, Justice League Dark, Lex Corp or Dark Knight Metals. I really want the new Jason Mamoa Aquaman (and I also never got around to picking up the Ezra Miller Flash). But I already had the other three members in metal painted up. I decided to hold off on the JL for now. I will probably still pick up this set at some time and gift my old metal models to a friend. The Lex Corp release was not shipped out from the distributor yet, so that knocked it off my list. Then on the day I went in to pick up my new team, LoWG had just sold out of the Dark Knight Metals. Circumstance made my choice very easy, Justice League Dark it was.
It also helped that it is leading up to Halloween (one of my favorite holidays), and I have just been reading the new Justice League Dark comic title (man I wish Knight Models came out with a Detective Chimp model!). I painted up Zantana a few weeks ago, but the remaining 5 members (six models) actually makes up a 58 level team nicely.
With third edition on the horizon (and a lot of uncertainty) I will refrain from talking about the models rules for BMG. Chances are, with the new changes my thoughts on these models will not be accurate in the near future. Instead I will look more into how I painted them. After I get a few games in I will take a look at their rules for DCU (individually and as a team).
I started with Deadman. He seemed the simplest and most straight forward of the group, pale skin with a red leotard. I worked up my usual red progression using Citadel paints; Mephiston, Carroburg Crimson wash, Mepshiston, Evil Sunz Scarlet, and a final highlight of Wild Rider Red. The trick I find with red, it to layer it with many many thin watered down coats. I decided to try something different with this model, I wanted to make the red a little darker and deeper. I followed a friend's advice, and tried to add some thinned down purple to the shadows, but I could not get it looking right (I will have to go into the store and get a quick tutorial). So I decided to try a glaze of Blood Angels Red Contrast mixed with Lahmian Medium. It really did darken the red, but I feel that it also washed out a lot of my highlights. I have not figured out how to use the contrast paints with my style of painting.
The skin was a Rakarth Flesh with highlights from Pallid Wych Flesh. I then added some purple shadows to the cheeks with many many thin layers of very very diluted Scale 75 Inktense Violet. I also did the "D" on the costume with the same tones.
While I was working on Deadman, I started Etrigan the Demon as well (most of his body suit is red too). The red was worked up the same as on Deadman, without the contrast wash. I also went a bit heavier on the Wild Rider red highlight to give it more of an orange hue. The skin was Balor Brown, Seraphim Sepia wash. Then each highligh was just Balor with more and more Scale 75 Birch. The cloak was Caledor Sky. I then tried using Contrast Leviadon Blue with the Lahmian Medium. I then went back and worked up the highlights with Caledor, and Scale 75 Sky Blue. For the final hightlight I added a a bit of white to the mix. The bracelets, belt buckle and broach I went with the Scale 75 gold set to tie in with the warm reds and yellows of the skins and clothes.
One week down, 2/6 models complete. Next up will be Etrigans other half, Jason Blood. Remember that next Sunday (November 3rd) is our Batmite Megabattle at LoWG. These custom scenario games are always a blast, there is always a bunch of wackiness going on! Some come on out for it!
I could not decide what I wanted to work on originally. I was thinking between 4 projects, The Justice League Rebox, Justice League Dark, Lex Corp or Dark Knight Metals. I really want the new Jason Mamoa Aquaman (and I also never got around to picking up the Ezra Miller Flash). But I already had the other three members in metal painted up. I decided to hold off on the JL for now. I will probably still pick up this set at some time and gift my old metal models to a friend. The Lex Corp release was not shipped out from the distributor yet, so that knocked it off my list. Then on the day I went in to pick up my new team, LoWG had just sold out of the Dark Knight Metals. Circumstance made my choice very easy, Justice League Dark it was.
It also helped that it is leading up to Halloween (one of my favorite holidays), and I have just been reading the new Justice League Dark comic title (man I wish Knight Models came out with a Detective Chimp model!). I painted up Zantana a few weeks ago, but the remaining 5 members (six models) actually makes up a 58 level team nicely.
With third edition on the horizon (and a lot of uncertainty) I will refrain from talking about the models rules for BMG. Chances are, with the new changes my thoughts on these models will not be accurate in the near future. Instead I will look more into how I painted them. After I get a few games in I will take a look at their rules for DCU (individually and as a team).
I started with Deadman. He seemed the simplest and most straight forward of the group, pale skin with a red leotard. I worked up my usual red progression using Citadel paints; Mephiston, Carroburg Crimson wash, Mepshiston, Evil Sunz Scarlet, and a final highlight of Wild Rider Red. The trick I find with red, it to layer it with many many thin watered down coats. I decided to try something different with this model, I wanted to make the red a little darker and deeper. I followed a friend's advice, and tried to add some thinned down purple to the shadows, but I could not get it looking right (I will have to go into the store and get a quick tutorial). So I decided to try a glaze of Blood Angels Red Contrast mixed with Lahmian Medium. It really did darken the red, but I feel that it also washed out a lot of my highlights. I have not figured out how to use the contrast paints with my style of painting.
The skin was a Rakarth Flesh with highlights from Pallid Wych Flesh. I then added some purple shadows to the cheeks with many many thin layers of very very diluted Scale 75 Inktense Violet. I also did the "D" on the costume with the same tones.
While I was working on Deadman, I started Etrigan the Demon as well (most of his body suit is red too). The red was worked up the same as on Deadman, without the contrast wash. I also went a bit heavier on the Wild Rider red highlight to give it more of an orange hue. The skin was Balor Brown, Seraphim Sepia wash. Then each highligh was just Balor with more and more Scale 75 Birch. The cloak was Caledor Sky. I then tried using Contrast Leviadon Blue with the Lahmian Medium. I then went back and worked up the highlights with Caledor, and Scale 75 Sky Blue. For the final hightlight I added a a bit of white to the mix. The bracelets, belt buckle and broach I went with the Scale 75 gold set to tie in with the warm reds and yellows of the skins and clothes.
One week down, 2/6 models complete. Next up will be Etrigans other half, Jason Blood. Remember that next Sunday (November 3rd) is our Batmite Megabattle at LoWG. These custom scenario games are always a blast, there is always a bunch of wackiness going on! Some come on out for it!
Tuesday, 15 October 2019
40 - Batmite! and a Custom Scenario!

I love to write (hence the blog), and I love to come up with new scenarios for the games. I wrote up a few (I think I submitted 3 in the end). The admins liked my submissions and the Batmite was mine! I was really proud to have won a contest (even if it was an online Facebook one!). I even got to try out the scenarios with our gaming group during our next campaign.
Sadly Batmite kept getting bumped back on my painting queue. Part of it was that he is a Legend Rank, which means he is not usable in standard play. I also did not have a lot of nostalgia for the character. I knew who he was, but not much more.

Since I dont really plan on playing Batmite in a regular game, I am not going to go into details on his rules here (but maybe if I get my hands on a Batman of Zur En Arrh I will). I will however post the new scenario for the megabattle on November 3rd at Lords of War.
Scenario: Batmite At Your Service
Overview: A misguided attempt to be helpful from Batmite, has turned the heroes and villains of Gotham city into miniature toy versions of themselves. The only person that can undo this calamity is Batmite himself, but he is having too much fun playing with his new “friends”. It is up to you and your friends to find Batmite and stop your enemies before they get their hands on his power.
Crews: You may bring two models, only one of which may be over 100 rep. Both models much be from the same Crew/Team or be Free Agents. Each model may take a single piece of equipment if it can usually take anything
Game Length: 6 rounds or when we run out of time
Objectives: There will be 5 Objectives. There will be a Ammo Crate in Team 1’s deployment zone that only Team 2 can score. There will be a Medical Supply in Team 2’s deployment zone that only Team 1 can score. There will be a set of Safes, a Loot, and Fire Barrel in no-man-land that anyone can score.
Victory Conditions: Victory points are earned in the usual ways (controlling objectives and KO/Casualties). The side with the most VPs at the end of the game will be victorious.
Special Rules:
The Damn Batmite: At the end of every recount phase the Game Organizer will role a D8. On a roll of 2-7 the Batmite Model will be place in contact with the corresponding objective (2-Ammo, 3-Safe1, 4-loot, 5-fire Barrel, 6 Safe2, 7 Medical Supplies). On a roll of 1 Team 1 may place the Batmite model in base contact with any objective that they choose. On a roll of 8, Team 2 may place the Batmite model in base contact with any objective that they choose.
Any objective that Batmite is touching is worth an additional VP. In addition, the first time either side takes a “Pass”, the game Organizer will activate Batmite. Batmite will never move away from an objective, but will use his powers indiscriminately (as best the game organizer sees fit – what is most entertaining, funny, dramatic, or thematic).
If Batmite takes any damage of any kind, he immediately disappears, the model is removed from the board. The objective is no longer worth an additional VP. At the end of the recount phase replace Batmite as per the above rules. When Batmite is replaced all damage previously accrued is removed. He also ignores the “reload” rule for his “Energy Projection” attack.
Kung-Fu Grip: All player models gain the KaPow!!! Special Attack (after all, the best action figures come with the kung-fu grip)
Can’t hit the Broadside of a Barn: All weapons with the “Firearm” rule gain “Imprecise” (when was the last time a GI-JOE was actually shot).
When I was a Kid...: All models gain the “Resilient” trait. (Back in my day, toys where built to last, and not fall apart two days after you take them out of the box).
Saturday, 5 October 2019
39 - Zatanna

She was a model that I have wanted to pick up for a while, but just never got around to it. She is also a wonderful character in the comics (I am really enjoying the current Justice League Dark title with Wonder Woman).
I tried out some more shading and glazing that Dai Viet had shown me a few months ago. Instead of going my usual dark base-coat then highlighting up; I went with a mid-tone base-coat. I then added shades to the recesses and then added some highlights as well. This is evident in the white shirt. I also did some glazing with Incubi Darkness over the black/grey highlighted tuxedo jacket to give it a blue hue.
I also tried highlighting the face more naturally. I focused my highlights to the forehead, nose, lips and chin. Then added some red/brown shade to the cheeks for shadows. I did the same for the legs but then added a few coats of Contrast Skeleton Horde mixed with Lahmian Medium to get the nylon effect.
With her Distort Magic trait, she can also stay safe while casting her spells. It allows her to pick a spot within 4 inches of her, and she can cast spells as if she was at that point. It gives her a bit more range to her spells, and she can do it from around corners.
If the enemies get close, she also has access to Hover. This would make her hit on 6s in hand to hand, but any knocked down effect or if she was KO will result in her taking double blood. I know my luck, and it seems very steep price. Though she does have access to the Magical Healing spell, so maybe it is worth the risk.
I have not looked at her to in-depth for DCU. She looks like she has some great abilities and some solid high damage magical attacks. But she also looks a bit squishy and has a high level cost. I will have to player her to find out.
Up next is some stuff for the up coming BMG Megabattle on November 3rd.
Wednesday, 2 October 2019
38 - Monster T
A few weeks ago one of my friends, Ben, from our Batman gaming group surprised me with a little gift. He was able to track down a Monster T as a thank you for the time and effort I put into our little community. Ben is one of my favorite people to play against, even when he is kicking your ass he some how convinces you that you are having the time of your life.
Monster T was the only Suicide Squad model that I did not have (I even have a copy of Bombshell Harley, but not painted yet). It is awesome to have the whole collection now.
Now a lot of people probably don't even know who Monster T is. He had a very short part in the movie. The only reason I remember him is because he was played by Common (the Singer/Actor). And Common was on one of my all time favorite shows, Hell on Wheels. However there is little chance of him showing up in the next Suicide Squad movie seeing how Joker kills him for looking at Harley the wrong way.
In-game Monster T is ok, but nothing really jumps out at you. He is a free agent for bad guys and has average stats of mostly 3s (except a movement 2 boo). Endurance 6 and a 4+ strength is nice. His weapons are basic, just a knife and the worse type of handgun.
His traits make him a little more viable. Disturb allows Monster T to choose a model in line of site and that model action counters can not be relocated. Now this is nice cause you can use it on both your own crew and on your opponents crew. It can be a very powerful ability but I feel that it very situational.
Goad is probably his most useful trait (it is really an under appreciated one). You can choose one enemy model within eight inches, they make a willpower test, if they fail you can move them two inches. Great for pulling people off objectives at the end of the round or feeding something to your beaters like King Shark.
His most fun trait is Handson Hunke Hunka. If at any time this model is within 10cm of both a friendly Joker and Harley you must remove Monster T as a casualty. Now, I know that it is easy to avoid this by not using Monster T in a crew with both those models...but it is so thematic that I feel that I need too!
Thanks again Ben!
In-game Monster T is ok, but nothing really jumps out at you. He is a free agent for bad guys and has average stats of mostly 3s (except a movement 2 boo). Endurance 6 and a 4+ strength is nice. His weapons are basic, just a knife and the worse type of handgun.
Goad is probably his most useful trait (it is really an under appreciated one). You can choose one enemy model within eight inches, they make a willpower test, if they fail you can move them two inches. Great for pulling people off objectives at the end of the round or feeding something to your beaters like King Shark.
His most fun trait is Handson Hunke Hunka. If at any time this model is within 10cm of both a friendly Joker and Harley you must remove Monster T as a casualty. Now, I know that it is easy to avoid this by not using Monster T in a crew with both those models...but it is so thematic that I feel that I need too!
Thanks again Ben!
Saturday, 28 September 2019
37 - Bale-man and a Death Eater

I was looking after my daughter for the afternoon, so as soon as she went down for her nap, I put on The Dark Knight Rises and put paint to model. I made some good progress with layering the grays and glazing them back down with some black. The model was coming along nicely and with good time, it does help when he is 90% one colour.
Then the doorbell rang. By the time I cleaned my brush and ran down the stairs the bell rang again. It was an amazon delivery. I signed for it and crept back up the stairs, hoping that the disturbance did not wake the sleeping child. It was not to be. I could hear my daughter start to stir. It was not a bad thing. She woke up and we cuddled and finished watching Batman defeat Bane and save Gotham together.
After she went to sleep for the night, I started back on the model. I put on the Dark Knight and by the time the credits started to role, Bale-man was done.
Bale-man in probably the best Batman in the Knight Models game. He has one of the highest movement values with a 4 (double Bat-fleck). He has the softer Bat-armour MKII, but that also gives him an extra inch of movement. He is also the only Batman with Arrest. So he can lay down a beating and then finish the job.
He is also very counter efficient due to his Combo-Unarmed. His only draw back is no re-roll to hit, and there will always be a Bat-wiff at some point. However if he can pull off a Sneak Attack then he does gain +1 to hit due to Master of Stealth and with his high movement he should be able to do it more often then not.
While the glazes were drying on Bale-man, I did a little work on my first Harry Potter model, a generic Death Eater from the starter set. I was trying out the new contrast paints for this model. I used the airbrush to do a zenithil highlight of white over a black base. I then did two coats of Basilicanum Grey. To add a little colour I then used a bit of Warp Lighting on the sash. I finished him off with a gold mask (although I think I will probably go with a silver one next time). It wont win any painting contests, but it was quick and time efficient. I look forward to playing around with the contrast paints more in the future.
Wednesday, 25 September 2019
35 - Back in Black

I did end up doing a good amount of projects done in August. We had Sword and Brush at the beginning of September. The month leading up to an event is always busy. I wanted to get a new table worth of terrain done for the Batman Tournament. I started with upgrading the card buildings that come in the Dark Knight Rises set. I did this roughly the same way as the old Suicide Squad buildings that I did a while ago.

The week before the tournament I had all the terrain ready but then I had an idea to make some table numbers for the tournament. I built up 5 billboards from some scrap balsa, plastic card and stir sticks. I then found some Batman themed billboard advertisements and edited a number into them. A little paint and glue, and I had 5 unique table numbers that also act as functional terrain on the tables.
I still wanted to enter something into the painting contest though. I decided to enter my Court of Owls into the Unit Category. I also entered my King Shark and Clayface into the Fantasy Single Category. Since all the terrain was ready to go for the tournament I thought that I would then spend the last few days before the event to make a diorama base for two of my existing models.
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