Monday 3 September 2018

140/100 - A Pile of Garbage

Man...what a week.  I had this great idea for some scatter terrain for my Batman tables at The Sword and Brush.  I was really pumped about it, planned it thoroughly, felt it was coming together...and I end up with a pile of garbage...which was exactly what I was going for!
Awhile back I made some test mini-garbage bags out of pieces of real garbage bags.  I found them again as I was packing up the terrain.  I had some extra time before the event (thanks to my wife for helping burn through the buildings and trees!).  I "assembly-lined" a whole heap of mini garbage bags (I never did a total but I am confident it is somewhere between 100-120).

I also had some extra wooden stir sticks that I had painted up to cover the windows on the buildings.  So I put them to use by splitting them and buildings some wooden pallets.
The real trick was trying to figure out how to attach the garbage bags to a base.  I had originally tried PVA glue and super glue.  Neither of which worked.  I then tried plastic cement.  No effect.  I then tried a hot glue gun, and it worked very well (except all the spider web-like-strands I had to pull off).  

I tried putting them on some old square monster bases from GW (I have so many I am just trying to find a project for them now!).  It did not look quite right, too uniformed for a pile of trash I think.  In the end I used some randomly cut shapes out of a sheet of plastic card.  

I took some of the terrain I made and put together a test table that will be used at the tournament, it doesn't look too bad.  

For the amount of work and the cost of the material, this was a very effective terrain project.  But I am now done for terrain for awhile.  I am already for the BMG tournament at the Sword and Brush this Saturday!


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