Monday 17 September 2018

90/100 - I Put a Spell on You

I finally got back to painting some actual miniatures this week instead of terrain.  Since we are playing some DCU at Lords of War right now, I decided to work on Enchantress for my Suicide Squad team.  I also wanted to paint up a magic user for BMG to finally try out the magic rules.

Enchantress adds some magic and supernatural attacks for my DCU team.  With her resistance and ability to heal I am hoping she will also be able to take a hit (which most of the Suicide Squad cant do).

The model was odd for me to paint.  It is not busy but there is a lot of smaller details.  However she is mainly 3 colours (skin, hair, gold), which gives her a plain finish.  I added the tattoos and blood to the base to help give some more contrast, although I am not fully satisfied with either.

The gold  net sleeves on the arms were the trickiest to paint.  It look a lot of time and touch ups to finish them.  I over highlighted the hair with a light grey, so used some diluted black ink bring it back down, I think it ended up washing out the highlights.  I might go back and work the hair back up a bit.

I had also run out of the resin cobblestone bases that I used on my other Suicide Squad members, and my local store was also out.  So I made some using one of the rollers from Green Stuff World.  Jay at Lords of War gave me some tips on how to make the results cleaner.  It worked out well in the end.  The cobbles are not exactly the same size as the original ones but I think it works, you don't really notice it to much unless you are looking for it.

I am working on the last member of the Suicide Squad film cast members now, the one-man-machine gun nest Rick Flag.


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