We had a lower turn out for the BMG tournament then I hoped. However the players that did participate were great. They brought fun competitive lists and beautifully painted crews. In the past I have played everyone who attended, so I can say from experience that they are some of the best sportsmen.
My favorite moment from the tournament was from a Riddler vs Militia game. The two crews must have been from mirror universes. They had different leaders but mostly the same henchmen and they both had Deathstoke. On one corner of the table all of Riddlers henchmen ganged up on the Militias High Security Henchman, while in the exact opposite corner the Militia henchmen where giving a beating to Riddlers High Security Henchmen. While all of this was going on, Militia Deathstoke (With helmet) fought Riddlers Deathstoke (no helmet) on top of the buildings in the center of the board. The Militia Deathstoke prevailed in the end (although he did have some help from the Arkham Knight Sniper).
A big part of the Sword and Brush is the painting contest. I had not originally considered entering anything. I changed my mind the night before the event however. I figured I was already going to be there, why not enter (nothing ventured, nothing gained). The Suicide Squad Joker crew that I had recently finished is probably my best work. So I quickly threw together a display board for them, going for an abandoned amusement park feel.
I did not expect to win anything. I have been trying to improve my painting over the last year and I figured this would be a great opportunity to see how I have done and learn about areas that I could improve. I got some great advice from one of the judges and I am going to pick his brain again at a latter time.
In the end I walked away with a Silver metal in the Wargame Unit category. I am now even more eager to continue to work and improve! I have a paint lesson lined up with a fantastic (OK one more adjective) local painter in the next few weeks.
I now have a year to prepare for next years Sword and Brush.
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