Sunday 4 February 2018

16/100 Cyborg and the Multiverse

The world of comic books can be a weird place.  Especially when all the stories and characters that are produced by one company share a united universe.  DC created a early version of the Multiverse back in 1940 when it published the Justice Society of America.  This was very rudimentary shared universe, it brought together heroes from their own publication into a single title.

Years later in the Silver Age of Comics (late 1950 till 1970) DC relaunch one of the most powerful characters, The Flash.  The Flash ran so fast that he went to a different universe, inhabited by the Golden age (1940s-1950s) heroes.  This lead to the first "Crisis" titles, Crisis of Earth One.  Over the years there have been many "crises".

Why do I bring this up now?  I have been working on another special DCU event for a store Birthday Party at my local retail shop, Lords of War Games and Hobbies.  You my remember a few months ago we ran a large DCU game called Invasion.  We saw the Justice League take on and Endless swarm of Paradeamons and Darkseid himself.  Each side was about 150+ levels!  It was a blast.
For the birthday celebration we wanted to run another DCU themed scenario game.  Chris liked the idea of doing one based on Crisis on Infinite Earths.  So we started to brain storm ideas.  One of the problems with running a big themed game is; what do you do when two people want to bring the same character?  For the Invasion game each side talked about it and everyone decided which characters to use.  For a game featuring the multiverse, we had a unique opportunity.

I made 20 Multiverse cards.  Each character will get one card at the beginning of the game.  The cards have a brief description of that earth as well as one or two upgrades that that character gains for the game.  This way everyone could bring Superman, but everyone would have a slightly different Superman.

Here are a few examples of the cards:

I wanted to paint a new model for the game.  For Invasion I painted up Starfire.  So I figured that I would continue with the Teen Titan trend and paint up another member (well former member), Cyborg.  This model was fun to paint.  The Scale 75 metallic paints are very nice to work with.  I painted the red on this model twice because I was not happy with how I originally did it.  This was my second attempt at painting a darker skin tone and I think it turned out much better.

So remember that next Saturday (February 10th) is the birthday celebration at Lords of War Games and Hobbies.  Come by and check it out, and bring a DCU (or Marvel) mini and partake in "Crisis on Infinite Earths"!


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