Every once in a while you paint a model and everything works smoothly. The model is clean and simple. The colours you choose work well. You may even try out a new technique without a hitch. Bilbo from the Unexpected Journey box was such a model.
It was a little unnerving how much the model actually resembles Martin Freeman. It is a simple enough model; the biggest piece of flair on it is the scarf and jacket buttons. I was worried that I was not going to be able to finish a project this week. However once I got paint on the model it came together very rapidly.

When I paint I tend to keep shades and highlights simple. I paint the raised areas brighter and the deeper areas darker. I don't usually consider the lighting a character would be under. The result is models that tend to have a uniformed plastic appearance. So for Bilbo I tried to keep a fictitious light source in mind when I painted him. I figured that Bilbo would have the sun above him at Mount Erebor, so I did not highlight the underside of his sleeve much. I also shaded the stones surrounding Bilbo darker to capture his shadow (which is fairly lost since I dumped snow on it).
Now Gandalf has his burglar. Time to start on some of the dwarves.
I also finished painting 3 stands of Ethereal Hosts for my Warmaster Vampire Counts army. Models tend to paint up fast when it is 95% grey with a wash.
I am going to jump back to Batman next week. I want to try and get a new model painted in time for the Lords of War Birthday event. Cyborg will be boom tubing in!
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