I did not plan to paint anything this week. I picked up the new Legions of Nagash Battletome and was working my way through it. I am getting really excited to get more of my Death Alliance done (one of my hobby goals is a 2000pts Age of Sigmar army). A while back a good friend of mine, Josh, was leaving the country (something about a pile of dead badgers I think) and needed to unload some of his models. He sent a few boxes of Undead stuff my way.

It really helped my army grow as it was mainly models that I did not already have (Morgasts, Mortarch, Coven Thrown etc). Have I mentioned how amazing Josh is? Now if you know Josh he is allergic to everything, including keeping his models in cases. So I figured that I would take a week off painting and repair some models. I got threw most of them (just Nagash left...).
I got up early saterday morning and decided to do a little painting before my wife and baby woke up. I started to work on the vampire Lord Konrad, who I plan to use as a regular vampire lord on foot. Since I was painting the bats that make up his cloak black, I figured I would paint another model that was sitting on my "to-do" list for a few months that was also predominately black, Nightwing.
I did not plan on finishing either model that day. However once I finsihed the black I realized that Nightwing was 90% done (it does help when a model is wearing a two colour onesie).

The only problem I had with this model was when I came to do the eyes. I could not get the eyes even. I probably painted them about 8 times and every time it looked fine at first, but then way off when I moved the model. It finally dawned on me that there was a slight flash line going threw his right eye that was throwing it off... So I did the best I could with out having to scrape half his face off.
I also recently picked up an airbrush. I have tired to use it twice...lets just say there is going to be a steep learning curve. I had much more success today though. A big thank you to Chris, Jay and Dai Viet at Lords of War for the troubleshooting. I am really looking forward to the Airbrush Class with Pat from Artisan's Edge in a few weeks.
I should be able to finish up the vampire lord early next week and put the finishing touched on my first airbrush models, a unit of Spirit Hosts.
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