Monday 12 February 2018

Crisis on Infinite Earths Scenario and Multiverse Card Text

Crisis on Infinite Earths

Description:  The Multiverse has opened up.  Heroes and villains are free to cross into Earth Zero.  Chaos runs supreme.  The heroes are trying to stop their arch rivals while protecting as many innocent civilians as possible.  The Super-Villains are trying to sow as much destruction and death as possible. 

Game Length: 6 Rounds

Deployment: The game is played on 6X3 (or smaller, or larger depending on amount of players).  Multiverse has opened portals into the heart of Metropolis, so it will be densely packed with buildings, cars and other city terrain.    Each side will take turn deploying a model until all models are down. 

Special Rules: 

The Multiverse – Each model will receive a single Multiverse card.  This represents what Earth that model is from.  That model gains the special upgrade listed on the card for the rest of the game.

Civilians – there will be 5 civilian markers on the table (placed by the organizer).  Civilians are a Size 1.  Each civilian marker has 12 for all it defenses.  Each civilian has 10 Endurance.  After a civilian is takes damage they will run D8 inches directly away from the model that inflicted the damage, ignoring other models and moving around terrain (a civilian may make this move multiple times in a turn).

Protectors of the Innocent:  Every model on the heroes’ side gains the following Special Ability: 
Protectors of the Innocent: 1/Green (R) Range 4 – When a civilian in range becomes the target of an attack, this model becomes the new target. 

Flee Mortals!:  Every model on both teams gains the following ability:
            Flee Mortals!: 1/Green, Range - Base contact:  Target a civilian in base contact.  You may move the civilian D8 inches in a direction of your choosing.  

Victory Conditions:
-          5 Vp for the villains for each civilian that was killed
-          5 Vp for the heroes for each civilian that survived
-          1 Vp for each enemy model that was incapacitated

Bonus Victory Points:
-          Girl Power - +1 Vp if a female model incapacitated a male model
-          Titans Fall - +1 Vp if a model incapacitated opponent who has a higher Level cost (+2 Vp if they were at least 2X higher level)
-          Foot Race between Flash and Superman – 1 Vp when a model touches two opposite table edges at some time during the game (can be scored more than once by the same model) Example: Model A starts the game touching table edge in their deployment zone.  On turn 3 Model A touches any point on the table edge in their opponents deployment zone, +1Vp.  If they then returned to the edge in their deployment zone the following round they would score another Vp) 
-          Bring the House down – 1 Vp for every 2 buildings that your side destroy during the game
-          Catch! – 1Vp when a team throws the same enemy model back and forth at least twice in the same turn.  (example:  Model A throws Model X, Model B then throws Model X back toward Model A) Can only be scored once per turn.
-          Behind Enemy Lines – 1Vp for each model that is wholly inside their opponent’s deployment zone at the end of the game. 
-          Bonus VPs will also be given out by the organizer for the most wacky/funny/heroic/villainous acts during the game. 

The Multiverse Cards  

Earth 9 – on Earth 9 Superman (Harvey Dent) had ruled the planet for a decade. Most of the other superhumans, such as Joker, Green Lantern, and the Secret Six, had been imprisoned or driven underground.  This model gains the following Special Power: President Superman cares not for your plans: This model ignores Defensive Improvements when it attacks.

Earth 3 – In this world heroes are villains and villains are heroes.  Swap the colour of your team icon (Red to Blue, Blue to Red) and gain the following ability – Defensive Teamwork:  When this character is in contact with one or more friendly characters, those friendly characters gains +1 to Physical and Energy defenses.  Also this model gains +1 Power.

Earth 10 – Superman landed in Nazi Germany, things went downhill from there for this earth.  The model gains the following ability - Cruel: If the target character’s Endurance is in the blue zone after this attack is resolved, add 1 to the damage caused.  They also gain +1 Attack.

Earth 11 – All genders are reversed in this earth.  There is no Superman but there is a Superwoman.  There is no Wonder Woman but there is a Wonder Man.  This model counts as the opposite gender (this is generally used only when scoring the Girl Power Bonus Vp).  The model also gains the following– roll a D8 and consult the table:  1: +1 Power, 2: +1 Physical Def, 3: +1 Energy Def, 4; +2 Mental Def, 5: +1 Agility, 6: +1 Stamina, 7: +1 Willpower, 8: +1 Attack

Earth 12 – This is the earth where the DC animated universe lives.  Cartoon logic and physics rules here.  It is hard to keep a good toon down.  This model ignores the first 5 points of damage it takes in the game.  (Place a dice or similar marker on this card to keep track).

Earth 13 – An occult Earth of 13-hour days and 13-month years, locked in a perpetual mystic twilight.  This model gains the following Special Ability – Teleport 3/Blue (A) – Displace this model up to 10”.  This model also gains the following attack – Lightning 3/Blue Supernatural/Magic, DMG 2, Range 6, Dazzle/2.

Earth 14 - A dark Earth once home to the Justice League of Assassins.  This model gains the following ability - Stealth: This model cannot be seen by models more than 8” away. They also gain +2 Speed.

Earth 15 – This universe contains a version of Earth where heroes "have evolved to become nearly perfect beings".  This character gains the following Special Power – Helping Hand: 2/Blue, (A/R) , Range 6, Target friendly model can force an enemy to reroll one die of the next attack that target’s it.  If the enemy model is entitled to reroll that attack for any reason, cancel the reroll ability instead.

Earth 18 – It is the wild wild west.  You must quietly sing the classic Will Smith song throughout the game.  This model also gain the following Attack:  Handguns 2/Green, Physical/Penetrating, DMG 2, Range 10.  They also gain +1 Speed (quick on the draw!)

Earth 26 – This world is home to anthropomorphised animals.  Their version of the Justice League is the Zoo Crew lead by Captain Carrot (Basically a bunny superman…I am not making this up).  This model gains the following Special Ability – Super Jump 3/Blue, (A) – Displace this model up to 12” away.  They also gain +1 Strength.

Earth 31 – This earth is home to Frank Millers iconic stories surrounding the Dark Knight Returns.  This model gains the following ability - Heroic Action: The first attack this character makes each round gains +1 to damage.   This model also gains +1 Endurance. 

Earth 32 – This earth combines two heroes into one.  Such as Bat-Lantern, Aquaflash and Super-Martian.  This model gains the following Special Power (players choice) – Blunt Instrument 3/Blue (A) Range 6 – This model can use a free grab and throw on target character or scenery piece.  Consider the strength for this throw to be 4.

Earth 43 -A world of fear and darkness, where after becoming an even darker creature of the night in order to defeat Dracula, Batman succumbed to his curse and spread the vampire plague to the rest of Earths heroes, forming the Blood League.  This model gains the following Ability – Drink Blood:  Each time this model successfully preforms a grab attack they heal one damage (can NOT go above starting damage).

Earth 44 – This world is protected by robotic versions of DC’s greatest heroes.  This model gains the following ability.  Metallic: When this model receives the Stun effect, it reduces the effect applied by 1.  They also gain the Fly ability with a range of 12”.

Earth Negative 52 - Batman merges with the Flash (not with Berry’s consent) creating the entity known as the Reddeath.  This model gain the following ability - Agile: This model can make one extra movement action per Round.  They also gain +1 Speed. 

Earth Negative 22 - On this world, a dying Joker launched on a final rampage that pushed Batman into finally executing him; however, embedded within the Clown Prince of Crime and activated upon his death was a purified strain of the Joker toxin, transforming his rival into his successor, The Batman Who Laughs.  This model gains the following:  Ability – Luck: Once per Round, this character may reroll any one die.  AND Attack: Demented Laugh 3/Blue, Mental, DMG 2, Wave/3, Dazzle/1.

Earth Negative 11 – Like its positive counterpart, earth -11 is home to gender reversed heroes.  On this earth Batwoman starts to kill super-beings over the death of her lover.  She then undergoes surgery to gain atlantean like powers before destroying the underwater city.  This character gains the following Special Powers: Water Manipulation 1/Blue, (A), Range 8, Place a 4” diameter area of water terrain completely within range where it does not touch a models base or other terrain, Remove it at the end of the Round.  AND Atlantean 0/Green, (P), Range 0, When this model is in contact with water terrain he gains +1 to all defenses.

Earth Negative 1 – Superman goes on a murderous rampage, Batman tries to stop him…by using the Doomsday Virus…it does not end well for anyone.  This model gains the following Special Power – Revive 0/Red, (P), The first time this character becomes incapacitated, he will return at the end of the round anywhere on the table, with all of his Endurance unmarked.  Also this character gains immunity to the Nature of the damage that made it become incapacitated.  

Earth 15 - Once considered the perfect universe, Earth-15 was destroyed by the deranged Superboy-Prime of Earth-33. This model gains the following Abilities:
Energy: Once per round, this character can use the Overload rule twice in the same Attack.
Power Master: When this character uses the overload rule the base damage of the attack overloaded is increased by 1.

Earth 5 - Known as “Thunderworld” it home to the magical team, the Marvel Family; Captain Marvel, Captain Marvel, Jr. and Mary Marvel draw their power from the great wizard Shazam.
This model gains the following:
Zeus Bolt – 2/ Blue Energy/Electic, DMG 3, Range 10, Can’t be Overloaded
Special Power:
Solomon’s Wisdom: 3/  Red (A) Range 6 – Target enemy must take a willpower roll.  If failed the suffer Distract/2 and Stun/3.

Note:  For the game I made these into nice looking cards.  

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