Tuesday, 31 January 2017

Morghast Archai and "Alternative Rules"

I finished up the first of two Morghast Archai.  In one of my last posts I talked about the feeling of not knowing where to start on a model which leads to hesitation to paint it.  I definitely had that problem with the Morghast.  I had no idea where to begin on this model (at least I did not have to build it, thanks Zajac!).  I eventually decided to experiment with a quick bone colour.  I was happy with the result (my dry brushing skills are very rusty) and the rest of the model fell into place.

The base was a little frustrating.  I used an old grave marker to spruce up the base.  I wanted it to blend in better so I mixed some plaster and put a layer on the base.  Then I figured to toughen up the plaster, I would paint a thin coat of PVA glue on.  Everything looked great.  I painted the green and then put on a thin coat of Agrellan Earth.  It cracked great...except it pulled up the green base coat with it, so all you could see was the white plaster.  I guess the PVA made it too smooth for the paint really stick.  To fix this I put a thin coat of PVA glue and baking soda (I wanted some fine texture but not as coarse as sand) and did all the steps again.  It worked great the second time.

I even got to play my first game of Age of Sigmar against my old friend Ian and his dwarves.  It was a fun game.  It felt very equal all the way through.  Victory ebbed and flowed back and forth several times.  In the end the dwarves vanquished the rattling horde.

We realized part way through the game that we forgot to use many rules.  I like to think that we were just using "alternative rules".  Which are just a valid as "real" rules.  In fact I will go as far as to say they are superior; because if everyone is making rules up then no one is cheating.

Monday, 23 January 2017

The Boy Scout - Superman

I finished up the first of my DC Trinity this weekend, Superman.  I have never been a big Superman fan.  I did not grow up reading his stuff or watching any of his cartoons.  I just never found him a very intriguing character.  When a superhero can do practically anything that they want it is hard to build suspense and risk.  Now take that with a grain of salt, this is only the opinion of someone who never read his comics.

Having said all that, I do find Superman interesting when he is juxtaposed against Batman.  The boy scout (as Batman calls him) beside the The Caped Crusader.  Superman's optimistic outlook is great compared to the stark pessimistic realism of Batman.  It was great in the Dark Knight returns.  I especially enjoyed it in Justice League: Doom (Batman speech at the end was great).  Batman Noel, in which Superman takes on the role of the ghost of Christmas present and Batman Scrooge is particularly good.  The bright warm colours of Superman set to the cold dark grey of a sick Batman was astounding.    

Superman saw some action earlier this week.  I played a beginners' game of the DCU/Marvel against Chris at Lords of War Games.  He used his Dark Avengers starter vs my Justice League Trinity.  It was a very cool game.  Superman is a beast!  It is very difficult to hurt him with his resistance/2 (and an insane health bar).  Combine that with the ability to inflict 6 damage by overloading his "super punch" attack.  He is definitely worth his 18 level cost.  


Wednesday, 18 January 2017


I finished up the newest version of Batman yesterday, Ben Affleck Batman.  It is a simple model, but especially nice to paint.  I tried a few different ways to work up the black/grey to try and differentiate the body from the head/cape/gloves/boots. Then, I softened the grey with a a few thinned down stains of Nuln Oil.

When I heard that Ben Affleck was going to be Batman, I was pissed.  I had never been a big Affleck fan.  I thought he was OK in some of his movies but not great, and definitely not right for the role of Batman.

However, I said the same things about Heath Ledger, and boy was I wrong about that one.  I am not saying that Affleck's take on Batman was anywhere near as incredible as Ledger's Joker, but he was better than I expected.  

I don't think I have seen enough of Affleck's Bruce Wayne or Batman to make a full judgement, which is funny since he had a whole movie with Superman.  There was just so much going on in Batman V Superman to really focus on his portrayal.  I liked how he looked tired and just a little bit angry all the time though.

His cameo in Suicide Squad was fun (although they really should have just done a live action version of Assault on Arkham!).  I guess I will have to wait for Justice League and the eventual Batman stand alone to shore up my opinion.

I really want to try this Batman version out in a few games.  I honestly don't know which one I like more, compared with Arkham City Batman.  Arkham City Batman has total vision and remote controlled Baterangs, which are really fun!  Also the Martial Expert rule (CRTs on 4+!) is amazing.  Ben Affleck Batman on the other hand is really nice in close combat with Martial Artist (can't be outnumbered), Close Combat Master (re-roll to hit roles) and Sustained Defense ( 3 block dice for every 2 DC spent).  I guess it will be decided on the table top.


Sunday, 15 January 2017

Suicide Squad - Harley Quinn

I finished up the seventh member of my Suicide Squad yesterday, Dr. Harleen Frances Quinzel.  Sometimes I get a model that I really want to paint.  The model is sculpted great, it is dynamic and has a lot of character.  I really want to do a good job on it.  But then I don't know where to start.  I end up delaying painting it, not knowing how to approach it.   I psych myself out and it sits on my shelf for several days (in this case a few weeks).  Suicide Squad Harley was one of those models for me.

I eventually decided to just block out the colours on the whole model.  Paint on the skin base colour.  Put on the initial red and blue on the clothes.  Paint the hair a yellow brown.  From there I just picked one part of the model and highlighted it.  Eventually the model was done.

This new version of Harley should be interesting.  She has the same physical stats as the classic costume Harley I painted last year.  Their hand to hand weapons are similar, but the new Harley does get a ranged attack with her "Hate/love Gun".

It is in her Personal and Special Traits that they differ.  The classic Harley can be a little faster (she has fast...) and does have a "reach" weapon with the 360° special attack (which will push everyone back, she can clear a room with one swing).  Both have Acrobat (great for objectives and getting to pesky people sitting on building tops).

The Squad Harley does have Confusion which is a better version on the other Harleys Distract.  I really like the new Harleys Combat flip rule.  It will make it very difficultly to surround her and block her path.  And the Voices special rule (Attack counters are wild cards) with the Suicide Squad Harley will be very useful.

I am looking forward to some games!

Tuesday, 10 January 2017

Mini Gandalf and Bilbo

While waiting for layers of paint to dry on my last few models, I started on my first mini from the Battle of Five Armies box.  Mini Gandalf with mini Bilbo.  I had a blast painting this model.  There is a good amount of detail, especially for such a small model.  

coin for scale

While I am working on the last of my suicide squad guys, I think I will have to paint up some mini wood elf archers to keep an eye on Gandalf.  


Sunday, 8 January 2017

2017 Hobby Challenge

I played more games and painted more consistently last year than I had in many of the previous years since my departure from Games Workshop.  I had no real goal last year, I just wanted to paint and play.  This year however, I wanted to push myself a bit more.  So I decided to participate in "The Lords of War 2017 Hobby Challenge".  

I set a modest painted model count at 75 models.  With the exception of the elite units in my Undead Age of Sigmar army, I am painting mostly skirmish games.  Here are some specific projects I want to complete.

-New Crew for Batman Miniature Game (Green Arrow/Law Enforcement)
-Team for The DC Universe Game (Justice League)
-Blood Angel Stormtalon (I think that is what is called)(I have been converting this model for years, time to put some paint on it)
-1500pts of Undead for Age of Sigmar
-New Gang for Malifaux (Death Marshals or The Latigo Posse)

I have also set an additional hobby goal, to paint both sides of the "Battle of Five Armies" box (not included in the above model count). I have had two of these boxes around since they came out.  The models are awesome and so much fun to work with.  In addition to the miniatures, I also have a bunch the Forgeworld Warmaster terrain that I want to paint up to go with it.  I would also like to play a game with the forces and terrain when I am done with it, so if anyone wants to try out an awesome game let me know.  

I would also like to try to write more.  I want to post on this blog at least every other week all year through.  I will also try my hand at writing some battle reports and perhaps a short story or two.  

Having said all that, I completed my first two models of the year early Saturday morning.  Two cops for the BMG.  I was thinking of painting GCPD on the back of the jackets, but decided against it as these guys will be pulling double duty in my Batman/ Gotham Police crew and my Green Arrow crew.  

While Batman is a beast in game, I have yet to win a game with my Batman crew.  I was mainly using Batman and Robin in smaller 200pts games.  With all my points tied up in two characters I had a tough time securing objectives as well as keeping enemies off their objectives.  The addition of some low reputation point henchmen (The cops) should help with this.  In addition, it will be nice to have someone be able to use "arrest" ability of the people that Batman pummel.  This will gain some extra victory points and ensure that those pesky enemies don't just pop up behind me.

2/75 complete, 73 more to go.  
