Monday 2 March 2015

Smoke Scheme Markers and another Torakage

I got some more work done on my Ten Thunders gang for Malifaux.  Finished up the second Torakage.  I changed up the design of the flower on the mask.  I was finding that the lotus style was looking more like a pink sun.  I went for a Cherry blossom pattern this time.

Laying down scheme markers is a big part of Malifaux.  I wanted to make a few thematic markers for my ninja gang.  I decided to make two smoke bomb scheme tokens.  I got the idea from my buddy Brad for the construction.  It is clump foliage, and a paper clip with a lot of glue.  I painted the smoke a little to light and will need to bring it back down.  I am now working on a few 50mm smoke bases to use with the "Smoke and Shadows" upgrade (Ninja Vanish!).

I also had the chance to play my second full game of Malifaux against Jay's very nice Rasputina ice force.  I got destoryed (a single  Torakage left standing) but it was a fun game and it gave me some ideas on how to improve for next time.

More to come...

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