Tuesday 17 March 2015

Ototo: Little Brother

Well...at 930 last Thursday night I put the finishing touches on week one's 20ss Malifaux gang.  I was cutting it close but I finished Ototo.  The angles on this model where a pain to get at, lots of nooks and crannies that are very difficult to get into after it has been assembled.

I might go back and do some more work on the flames/energy flare on the base, but for now it is table ready.

In my first game of the league, Ototo did not even swing his Massive Tetsubo once.  I focused more on the objectives (for me "cursed object" and "distract").  In fact I only made one attack flip the entire game!  I lost the game to Stan and his Swampy themed Neverborns, but it was close, 9-10!

I am almost done week two's model, Misaki.


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