Saturday 14 March 2015


It was very sad news Thursday, when I heard about the passing of Terry Pratchett.  I identify with Pratchett's work more than any author I have read.  His books got me to think about some very important topics such as religion, the idea of a "true hero" and the nature of the universe.  His work has fundamentally changed me and how I look at the world.

Pratchett left behind a large body of work, so even though I have been reading him for years, being a slow reader means I have many more years of "new to me" books.  Not to mention that his style of writing leaves many little hidden gems that I always miss during the first reading.  

The twitter messages that were sent out following his death, were a perfect way to announce the news.  I found some degree of comfort in them.  

I was in a melancholy mood throughout the rest of the day.  When I arrived home after work I wanted to immerse myself in Pratchett's world.  So Helen and I made a toast with the top shelf whisky and played a great round of the Discworld board game "The Witches" (which working together, we were able to save the people of Lancre! huzzah!).

Lancre was saved from vampires, evil witches and the elves!

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