Sunday, 29 March 2015

Star Trek Attack Wing

I finally got my brother interested in a miniature game.  I got him the Star Trek Attack Wing a year ago, and we just got around to trying it out a few months back.  We have been really enjoying it.  It's very similar to Star Wars X-Wing but Attack Wing has its own quirks that set it apart.

For example, the ship builds: lots of upgrades = lots of combos.  The other thing I really like is that every ship blister pack comes with a special scenario.  Maybe it is the influence of my recent games of Malifaux, but I enjoy playing a game where it is not always the goal to kill everything on the table.

However, the one thing that is disappointing with Attack Wing compared to X-Wing is the ship paint jobs.  Both games come with pre-painted plastics, but X-Wings appearance is far superior.   Then again on the plus side, I do enjoy painting...

Here is the first repaint, the Klingon ship from the starter pack.


  And  after a quick repaint:


Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Week Three done: Harley Quinn Ronin

I finished up my week three model last night: a single Ronin. It should be an interesting model to add to my force.  She is the same soulstone cost as my Torakage and has a very similar stat line.  However with "Hard to Kill" and "Stand Ground" she will have more survivability than the softer Torakage. She is also good on offence with a average range attack and a close combat attack that ignores armour (plus "Flurry").  She will typically be used as an objective blocker as apposed to an objective scorer (which with the Torakage superior movement fits that role better).

This model really reminds me of Harley Quinn from Batman Arkham City game. So I wanted to try something new and painted her after Harley.  I figured the Ronin (theme-wise and game-wise) would be a hired sword and would not necessarily need to be wearing the baby blue of my ten thunders.  I did want to incorporate it a bit though, so the sword hilts and the hair ties it in subtly.

I tried two different techniques for doing the diamond pattern on the stockings.  I read online to use a filed sharp retractable pencil to draw the lines.  This did not work for me, I had a hard time getting the lines to show up and keep them straight on the curved legs.  So I ended up going with good old free hand.

To tie it in with Harley Quinn I went with a white face makeup and bright red lips.  Also I tried to put in some running black mascara.

I really liked the challenge of painting the diamond pattern.  I think I might try painting a plaid pattern on the next one...


Saturday, 21 March 2015

Week Three: Shang and 1 Ronin

Week three is underway.  I was able to finish up Shang (Misaki's fire spirit dog thing) late last week.  That finished off the "Ten Thunders" box.  Now all that is left to paint this week is a single Ronin.  But I am going to try painting some patterns on her, so it might take me a while.

I managed to play a great "marathon" game against Jay Friday night.  The game went on for 7 turns.  I am starting to understand what my little ninjas can do.  The strategy for the game was Reckoning.  This is a hard mission for smaller games (we both only had 5 models, so there is a maximum of 2 achievable points each).  I used my "smoke and shadows" upgrade to bury and move badly bloodied models away from immediate harm, and thus keeping points away from Jay.  The smoke markers also played a great role by blocking line of sight from my models to his guns (like Lazarus).  I did learn a valuable lesson by the end, when facing Lazarus, spread out!  In one round of shooting, Misaki and Ototo were both almost brought down.

I am really enjoying playing this Malifaux league at Lords of War Games and Hobbies.  The focus is really on having fun.  I like that you don't get more points for winning, but for silly in-game actions (like letting your opponent blindly choose a card from your hand for you to cheat with, or playing a round with your hand open etc).  It is all about the experience and not the final outcome.

Looking forward to week 3.


Thursday, 19 March 2015

Ten Thunders Leader - Misaki

I finished up my week two model for the Malifaux league.  I was planning on painting two Ronin for the second week, but by the end of the weekend I had nothing built or primed.  So I decided to save them for week three and paint up Misaki who was waiting and ready to go.

I painted the energy/water/fire effect from her spin kick similar to the way I painted the energy burst from Ototo's tetsubo.  I added a few more layers and reversed the colour order.

Looking forward to another game Friday night!

Time to work on a small display base for the gang...


Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Ototo: Little Brother 930 last Thursday night I put the finishing touches on week one's 20ss Malifaux gang.  I was cutting it close but I finished Ototo.  The angles on this model where a pain to get at, lots of nooks and crannies that are very difficult to get into after it has been assembled.

I might go back and do some more work on the flames/energy flare on the base, but for now it is table ready.

In my first game of the league, Ototo did not even swing his Massive Tetsubo once.  I focused more on the objectives (for me "cursed object" and "distract").  In fact I only made one attack flip the entire game!  I lost the game to Stan and his Swampy themed Neverborns, but it was close, 9-10!

I am almost done week two's model, Misaki.


Saturday, 14 March 2015


It was very sad news Thursday, when I heard about the passing of Terry Pratchett.  I identify with Pratchett's work more than any author I have read.  His books got me to think about some very important topics such as religion, the idea of a "true hero" and the nature of the universe.  His work has fundamentally changed me and how I look at the world.

Pratchett left behind a large body of work, so even though I have been reading him for years, being a slow reader means I have many more years of "new to me" books.  Not to mention that his style of writing leaves many little hidden gems that I always miss during the first reading.  

The twitter messages that were sent out following his death, were a perfect way to announce the news.  I found some degree of comfort in them.  

I was in a melancholy mood throughout the rest of the day.  When I arrived home after work I wanted to immerse myself in Pratchett's world.  So Helen and I made a toast with the top shelf whisky and played a great round of the Discworld board game "The Witches" (which working together, we were able to save the people of Lancre! huzzah!).

Lancre was saved from vampires, evil witches and the elves!

Wednesday, 11 March 2015

The Last Torakage

I am desperately trying to get my 20 stone gang painted up for the Malifaux league at The Lords or War Gaming and Hobby this week.  It is going to be a close call.  Here is one of the two models I needed to get done.  The last Torakage. 

I also managed to finished two of the 50mm smokes markers for the "Smoke and Shadows" upgrade.  I will do a "how to guide" when I make the next two.

I will find out tomorrow if I am able to finish Ototo in time...


Monday, 2 March 2015

Smoke Scheme Markers and another Torakage

I got some more work done on my Ten Thunders gang for Malifaux.  Finished up the second Torakage.  I changed up the design of the flower on the mask.  I was finding that the lotus style was looking more like a pink sun.  I went for a Cherry blossom pattern this time.

Laying down scheme markers is a big part of Malifaux.  I wanted to make a few thematic markers for my ninja gang.  I decided to make two smoke bomb scheme tokens.  I got the idea from my buddy Brad for the construction.  It is clump foliage, and a paper clip with a lot of glue.  I painted the smoke a little to light and will need to bring it back down.  I am now working on a few 50mm smoke bases to use with the "Smoke and Shadows" upgrade (Ninja Vanish!).

I also had the chance to play my second full game of Malifaux against Jay's very nice Rasputina ice force.  I got destoryed (a single  Torakage left standing) but it was a fun game and it gave me some ideas on how to improve for next time.

More to come...