Wednesday 10 October 2012

"Leadership at the Point of a Bayonet" - Major Dick Winters

I have been thinking of writing a blog for a while now.  I have followed the online postings of several friends for the past few months.  Reading Jay's "Worlds in Conflict" page, however, finally prompted me to act. 

For almost 8 years I worked for Games Workshop.  I had a lot of fun and met some really good people during my time.  A few years back I left the company and decided to go back to school full time.  While earning my diploma I did not get much of a chance to work on my hobby.  I only played games while on Christmas break.  I realised that I missed the hobby community.  I was at my most creative when I could bounce ideas of the regulars as well as see what other people have been up too.   I liked the advice and tips as well as the support.

I had a great time in school and met a new group of great people.  Sadly, because I has not in the hobby as much, I tended to lose touch with some of my old friends.  However, I have now successfully completed my Occupational Therapy Assistant/Physiotherapist Assistant diploma (with honours), and now have some free time (in-between job hunting). 

I have just finished reading "Beyond Band of Brothers: The War Memoirs of Major Dick Winters".  It is a fantastic book (it is also were I got the name for this blog).  It adds a lot to the Mini-series "Band of Brothers".  I found it very interesting to hear the thoughts that Major Winters had of the soldiers he served with.  It also had some interesting stories not found in the show.  This got me looking at my Flames of War (FOW) army again.  I have been working on a Canadian 3rd division for some time.  I have also done some work on a German army for a good friend of mine. 

I decided to start a new army.  I narrowed the choice down to the 1st Special Service Force from "Dogs and Devils"  or an American parachute Infantry Regiment (PIR).  When I went on to the Flames of War Website I read about the new release of "Nutz", which had rules for Easy Company of the 506 PIR, including rules for Major Winters.  I started to lean one way.  When I saw the plastic paratroopers in the new "Open Fire", well that sealed it.  Since Open Fire does not come out until the end of the month I have some time to kill.  I have decided that until then I will up-date my terrain for FOW. 

Here is the work in progress for some buildings for FOW.  I would love an tips or suggestions. 


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