Saturday 20 October 2012

Churches, Windows and Doors...oh my

I made a new building this week for FOW.  I wanted to make something a little more complex and a bit bigger.  I went with a generic 4 level church, complete with steeple. 

 The first two floors are the size of 3 standard infantry bases.  I used model railway windows and doors.  I cut full holes into the walls to fit the hardware (so now you can see through and see whats inside the building).  The steeple levels can fit a standard infantry base or 2 small bases.  In the end I can fit my entire Canadian platoon of 9 stands into the church.  
 Here is my current table.  I still have a few extra pieces of road and train tracks.  

Barbed wire
 I am going to try and do a few more 2 level buildings next week, before the release of "Open Fire!"


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