Sunday 14 October 2012

Finished Product

The buildings are complete.  I am happy how they turned out.  The windows and doors a little rough, something to improve on the next round.  I have a few different ideas on how to do windows and doors (cutting them all out or using plastic model railway windows and doors).  

Hardwood floors and purple wall paper

I like to base all of my terrain, I think it helps keep it from getting as banged up.  I used smaller square bases so I can use the buildings as a country home (putting some hedge rows and trees around).  Or I can place them base to base and make more of a city setting.  



  1. what did you use for the stones on the corner of the one building would they stack up well make kinda of a stone fence could look really good

  2. They are just the larger stones in the GW sand

  3. You could use piles of aquarium gravel to make a rock fence. The irregular shape and larger grain may be handy. Looks cool man!

  4. thanks Jordan, I will check out the gravel to make some field walls.
