Around two years ago one of the Batman Facebook groups had Scenario contest. The goal was the submit an original scenario for BMG to be judged by the admins. The winner would receive that years GenCon exclusive model, Batmite!
I love to write (hence the blog), and I love to come up with new scenarios for the games. I wrote up a few (I think I submitted 3 in the end). The admins liked my submissions and the Batmite was mine! I was really proud to have won a contest (even if it was an online Facebook one!). I even got to try out the scenarios with our gaming group during our next campaign.
Sadly Batmite kept getting bumped back on my painting queue. Part of it was that he is a Legend Rank, which means he is not usable in standard play. I also did not have a lot of nostalgia for the character. I knew who he was, but not much more.

Luck would have it, I recently found the prefect excuse to finally get Batmite painted up. A new megabattle at Lords of War with a fresh custom scenario (seems poetic). I got the little guy painted up over a few days of off and on painting. I was trying out some new colours, some of which did not work. However I light glaze with Contrast Leviadon Blue really helped.
Since I dont really plan on playing Batmite in a regular game, I am not going to go into details on his rules here (but maybe if I get my hands on a Batman of Zur En Arrh I will). I will however post the new scenario for the megabattle on November 3rd at Lords of War.
Scenario: Batmite At Your Service
Overview: A misguided attempt to be helpful from Batmite, has turned the heroes and villains of Gotham city into miniature toy versions of themselves. The only person that can undo this calamity is Batmite himself, but he is having too much fun playing with his new “friends”. It is up to you and your friends to find Batmite and stop your enemies before they get their hands on his power.
Crews: You may bring two models, only one of which may be over 100 rep. Both models much be from the same Crew/Team or be Free Agents. Each model may take a single piece of equipment if it can usually take anything
Game Length: 6 rounds or when we run out of time
Objectives: There will be 5 Objectives. There will be a Ammo Crate in Team 1’s deployment zone that only Team 2 can score. There will be a Medical Supply in Team 2’s deployment zone that only Team 1 can score. There will be a set of Safes, a Loot, and Fire Barrel in no-man-land that anyone can score.
Victory Conditions: Victory points are earned in the usual ways (controlling objectives and KO/Casualties). The side with the most VPs at the end of the game will be victorious.
Special Rules:
The Damn Batmite: At the end of every recount phase the Game Organizer will role a D8. On a roll of 2-7 the Batmite Model will be place in contact with the corresponding objective (2-Ammo, 3-Safe1, 4-loot, 5-fire Barrel, 6 Safe2, 7 Medical Supplies). On a roll of 1 Team 1 may place the Batmite model in base contact with any objective that they choose. On a roll of 8, Team 2 may place the Batmite model in base contact with any objective that they choose.
Any objective that Batmite is touching is worth an additional VP. In addition, the first time either side takes a “Pass”, the game Organizer will activate Batmite. Batmite will never move away from an objective, but will use his powers indiscriminately (as best the game organizer sees fit – what is most entertaining, funny, dramatic, or thematic).
If Batmite takes any damage of any kind, he immediately disappears, the model is removed from the board. The objective is no longer worth an additional VP. At the end of the recount phase replace Batmite as per the above rules. When Batmite is replaced all damage previously accrued is removed. He also ignores the “reload” rule for his “Energy Projection” attack.
Kung-Fu Grip: All player models gain the KaPow!!! Special Attack (after all, the best action figures come with the kung-fu grip)
Can’t hit the Broadside of a Barn: All weapons with the “Firearm” rule gain “Imprecise” (when was the last time a GI-JOE was actually shot).
When I was a Kid...: All models gain the “Resilient” trait. (Back in my day, toys where built to last, and not fall apart two days after you take them out of the box).