The last two O'Malleys where completed this week; James and Nathaniel. Like the other O'Malley, Brandon, these models were fun to paint. They have very defined muscles which were easy to highlight and they let me play around with the light source.
Nathaniel O'Malley is the cheapest model in the Court of Owls. He come in at 30 reputation and zero funding. His stat line is not quite as good as some of the other Talons, but are still that of an elite henchman. Martial Artist (cannot be outnumbered in close combat) is nice to have on him, since most Owl crews are probably going to be outnumbered. Distract (-1 Defense to an enemy withing 4 inches) is probably the best thing he brings to the table. Anything that can help land a hit to this crew is gold.

James O'Malley is the second lowest reputation in the Court. Like Nathaniel, he has the stats of an elite henchman. He is a little slower then all the other owl henchmen, but that is not really a problem. James is a Bodyguard (1SC to take a hit for a leader or sidekick within 2 inches), so I imagine he is going to be staying very close to the High Court Lady or High Court Member (neither of which are speedy models). James is also a Martial Artist and has Veteran (relocate 2 counters when activated). Veteran really make James more versatile. You can drop some counters in special in anticipation of body-guarding for someone, but if no one takes a shot he can then move two counters in to attack or movement.
Both Nathaniel and James have the Owl henchmen special rules, Reanimated Owl and Weakness to Cold. They also carry the same weapons, which are pretty good in their own right.
I imagine that James will see more table time then Nathaniel. I plan to use the High Court Lady in most of my lists, and having a personal Bodyguard near by will help keep her alive.
Speaking of which, the High Court Lady is next on the paint table.
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