Wednesday 9 January 2019

2 - "That Watches All the Time"

I had a few days off at the start of the new year and was finally able to pick up a brush and get back to my Court of Owls crew.  I went into Lords of War last Friday for a few hours and got the browns done on two Owl henchman, the 1880's Talon and Brandon O'Malley.  Over the weekend I picked away at the smaller details, and finished both models early this week. 

The 1880's Talon was fun to paint.  I blocked out all the colours then started with the multiple layers of brown.  I then used some watered down Abaddon Black to shade it.  I redid the inside of the cape twice.  The first attempt turn out very splotchy and there was not a good smooth transition.  The second attempt is not perfect but it is a definite improvement. 

This model is a good mid range Talon.  She comes in at 50 reputation and no funding.  She is Fast and Acrobat, so has a base move of 7 inches (with 3 Movement counters, she would be going 13 inches on foot!).  The Gladius sword is great (2 Blood damage, Sharp and Overwhelming).  With an Attack value of 4, 4+ strength (with a re-roll from Sharp) and Martial Artist, she should be able to handle most henchmen and some lower defense free agents. 

While I was working on 1880, I started on the first of my O'Malleys.  I was a little worried about painting this model.  He is essentially just wearing a one-piece leotard, not alot of details to break up the brown.  However with the good muscle definition it was fairly easy to highlight.  I did make the browns a little two bright, but was able to tone them down with a black shade. 

Brandon is a good hunter model in the crew.  The first thing that jumps out to me is the Bleed 2 on his Katar and the Brutal special rule (re-roll the collateral die).  It he gets a critical hit, he is dealing 3 Blood and 1 Stun with one shot!  If he can do this too a weakened boss he also scores 2 additional victory points from his Assassin trait.  Team him up with Styx or Damian and you have a deadly one-two punch combo.

I also found out that I am going to be able to attend Adepticon this year (I got my vacation approved today!).  I have registered for both the Battle for the Cowl and the DCU Superhero Smackdown. 

I will probably play Suicide Squad for the DCU.  I hope to get a few new models painted to add to my existing team.  For BMG I want to bring my Owls.  Time to get painting and play a few games so I can figure out how this crew plays! 

We are also having another Batman beginners day at Lords of War this Sunday!  Come on out and try a game for free, even if you have never bought a model for it (yet lol). 


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