I finished the owls only sidekick midweek, the High Court Lady. This model was really fun to paint. It is fairly simple in its design (just a lady in a fancy dress), but it is very sharp, especially when she is surrounded by the other owls. It was also fun to paint some bright colour after all those dark browns.
I tried switching up how I painted the red a little bit for this model. Usually I start with a base of Mephiston red, then a wash of Carroburg Crimson. Then add some highlights with Mephiston red, Evil Sunz Scarlet and Wild Rider Red. This was how I painted Batwoman's cape oh so long ago.
This time I started with the base coat of Mephiston red. I then jumped right to the highlights with Evil Sunz and Wild Rider. Then at the end I went back and used Carroburg to add some spot specific shading. It was one of the methods that Dai Vet showed me a few months ago. I was really happy how this turned out, the colour transition was much smoother then usual.
The High Court Lady is amazing in the game. She probably has the worst stat line for any Sidekick though. Her gun is decent but only has one ammo (if you need to use it, better make it count!). "Boss's Orders" (friendly henchmen within 8 inches gain +1 to hit) can be really great, but with such a short range you will have to make sure she is protected. Since she also has "Invaluable" (worth and extra victory point if killed) you want to make sure she stay healthy ("Protect Me! can help here).
However, the rule that makes her so sought after is "Enemies of the Court". This rule awards an addition victory point whenever your crew kills an enemy model. This is especially important in a crew where everything is designed to kill something!
I finally got to play a game with my Court last night. I was playing against a new player to BMG, who was trying his first game, Zimmer. He was using the Riddler Batbox. We only played 4 rounds (had to call it due to time constraints). It was a good close game (23-18ish when we ended it) with a lot of back and forth. The talons did fairly well. They where able to go toe to toe with almost anyone on the table (Irish was a problem). However due to my sucky roles and no handy weapons, I had a very hard time cutting people down. I was usually one or two wounds from KO/killing something.
The last round of the game was very dramatic. I was stupid and left the High Court Lady alone and under a lamp post. She was first shot by Quary then mushed by a rampaging Irish. I did get a little revenge a few moments later when a very wounded (one endurance left) Brandon O'Malley chased down the Riddler, hit and wounded 3 times with a critical (5 Blood, 3 Stun). With Riddler unconscious on the ground, Brandon's son walked over and finished the job.
Looking forward to learning how to use this crew more!
Friday, 25 January 2019
Sunday, 20 January 2019
6 - "Behind Granite and Lime"

Nathaniel O'Malley is the cheapest model in the Court of Owls. He come in at 30 reputation and zero funding. His stat line is not quite as good as some of the other Talons, but are still that of an elite henchman. Martial Artist (cannot be outnumbered in close combat) is nice to have on him, since most Owl crews are probably going to be outnumbered. Distract (-1 Defense to an enemy withing 4 inches) is probably the best thing he brings to the table. Anything that can help land a hit to this crew is gold.
Both Nathaniel and James have the Owl henchmen special rules, Reanimated Owl and Weakness to Cold. They also carry the same weapons, which are pretty good in their own right.
I imagine that James will see more table time then Nathaniel. I plan to use the High Court Lady in most of my lists, and having a personal Bodyguard near by will help keep her alive.
Speaking of which, the High Court Lady is next on the paint table.
Sunday, 13 January 2019
4 - "Ruling Gotham from a Shadow Perch"

I managed to squeeze a little bit of painting in each night this week and was able to finish up two more models for my Owls crew, the High Court Member and Henry Ballard. The nice things about the Court of Owls models is that each model has its own distinct look. You never get board painting them.
The High Court Member was very different to paint, he is wearing a suit and not a costume. I wanted him to fit in with the rest of the crew colour wise, so I used the same brown pallet. I was happy how the red turned out on my 1880's Talon last week so I thought I would use red as my highlight colour for the tie. I did end up making the suit a little to bright but was able to tone it back down with a glaze of sepia.
If the HCM does get close to the enemy he can use "Demoralize" which makes enemy henchmen with in 6 inches loose one action counter (of the HCM choice!). Good for getting rid of those defense dice too. However I imagine that the trait that I will use the most is "Distract" (-1 defense to a model within 4 inches). Anything he can do to make the enemies a little easier for the talons to hit. He also has "Scheming", but I find that rule very situational.
Henry Ballard is a little more straight forward. He has a good stat line like most of the other talons. "Invulnerability: 1" is a nice rule (ignore the first damage he takes each turn). He has a owl Knife that does a single blood and is "Handy" and "Sharp" (rerolls to Hit and to Wound) as well as Claws (unarmed attacks cause 1 Blood and 1 Stun). He also the "Reanimated Owl" and "Weakness to Cold" like all the talons.
I think that if you upgrade Ballard with "Ancient Training" equipment to give him "Master Fighter" (+1 to hit with unarmed attacks) he could be a fairly good hitter. 4 attacks with +1 to hit would be great at taking out any henchmen. If you need to go after something more difficult you could always switch back to the Owl Knife for the re-rolls but less damage. The Invulnerability also increases his durability.
I have got some work cut out for me to get this crew done in time for Adepticon but I am very excited to get it done!
Wednesday, 9 January 2019
2 - "That Watches All the Time"

The 1880's Talon was fun to paint. I blocked out all the colours then started with the multiple layers of brown. I then used some watered down Abaddon Black to shade it. I redid the inside of the cape twice. The first attempt turn out very splotchy and there was not a good smooth transition. The second attempt is not perfect but it is a definite improvement.
I will probably play Suicide Squad for the DCU. I hope to get a few new models painted to add to my existing team. For BMG I want to bring my Owls. Time to get painting and play a few games so I can figure out how this crew plays!
We are also having another Batman beginners day at Lords of War this Sunday! Come on out and try a game for free, even if you have never bought a model for it (yet lol).
Wednesday, 2 January 2019
2018 Recap and 2019 Going Forward
It has been a heck of a year. Life does not slow down, it only speeds up it seems. Even with being a new father, paternity leave and family vacation, it has been a productive year hobby wise. I managed to hit my goal of 100 models near the end of December. I updated this blog almost once a week all year long (hit a lull when I started my paternity leave and when I went back to work).
The vast majority of what I worked on was for the Batman Miniature game. I was able to paint 2 new crews, a Brave and the Bold crew and the Jokers Elite Cosplayers. I also started a third crew, the Court of Owls right at the end of the year. I build four tables worth of terrain for the BMG tournament at the Sword and Brush event (I am looking forward to 2019th Sword and Brush). I even entered my Joker Cosplayers and two of the amusement park stalls that I built into the painting contest at the Sword and Brush. I was very happy and even more surprised to walk away with a Silver Metal.
With BMG I also ran an escalation league and two themed megabattles at Lord of War. Crisis on Infinite Earths DCU for Lords of War's birthday celebration, as well as a holiday themed BMG game called the The Holiday Heist. We also saw our local game group that meets every other Sunday grow as well.
I picked away at my Age of Sigmar Legions of Nagash army. I got a few Spirit Hosts and a Vampire lord finished. I also fixed up and rebased about 100 models for the army. Just got to start painting them now...
I did not fully complete some of my targeted goals. I did finish over half of the dwarves from Thorins Company from The Hobbit. I also got just over half of my 1000pts Undead Warmaster army completed. I plan to finish them both this year.
I expanded my hobby tools this year. I build a custom gaming table in the spring. I put it to good use over Christmas playing some Tanks! and Discworld board games with my brother and my wife. 2019 was also the year I finally broke into the airbrush scene. I have a bare understanding of what I am doing, but I am slowly getting the hang of it. I got some good painting lessons from some awesome local painters (Chris, Jay, Dai Viet and Patrick).
All in all it was a good hobby year.
Now time to set some objectives for 2019:
-no set model count this year. I want to keep painting and trying new things (having said that, I would be happy with hitting 100 again)
- get a new unit for my Legion of Nagash Army painted (a 2000 pt army has been on my list for 2 years, time to re-evaluate my goal lol)
-more BMG (probably a new villains crew and expand on existing crews)
-build 12 feet worth of raised highway or train tracks for my tournament BMG tables
-finish my 1000pts Warmaster and play a game
-finish my hobbit display boxes
-make two discworld display boxes
-do some more writing; probably BMG battle reports in different styles (narrative, dramatic etc) and a How To guide for some terrain projects.
Here are a few of my favorite pieces for 2018:
The vast majority of what I worked on was for the Batman Miniature game. I was able to paint 2 new crews, a Brave and the Bold crew and the Jokers Elite Cosplayers. I also started a third crew, the Court of Owls right at the end of the year. I build four tables worth of terrain for the BMG tournament at the Sword and Brush event (I am looking forward to 2019th Sword and Brush). I even entered my Joker Cosplayers and two of the amusement park stalls that I built into the painting contest at the Sword and Brush. I was very happy and even more surprised to walk away with a Silver Metal.
With BMG I also ran an escalation league and two themed megabattles at Lord of War. Crisis on Infinite Earths DCU for Lords of War's birthday celebration, as well as a holiday themed BMG game called the The Holiday Heist. We also saw our local game group that meets every other Sunday grow as well.
I picked away at my Age of Sigmar Legions of Nagash army. I got a few Spirit Hosts and a Vampire lord finished. I also fixed up and rebased about 100 models for the army. Just got to start painting them now...
I did not fully complete some of my targeted goals. I did finish over half of the dwarves from Thorins Company from The Hobbit. I also got just over half of my 1000pts Undead Warmaster army completed. I plan to finish them both this year.
I expanded my hobby tools this year. I build a custom gaming table in the spring. I put it to good use over Christmas playing some Tanks! and Discworld board games with my brother and my wife. 2019 was also the year I finally broke into the airbrush scene. I have a bare understanding of what I am doing, but I am slowly getting the hang of it. I got some good painting lessons from some awesome local painters (Chris, Jay, Dai Viet and Patrick).
All in all it was a good hobby year.
Now time to set some objectives for 2019:
-no set model count this year. I want to keep painting and trying new things (having said that, I would be happy with hitting 100 again)
- get a new unit for my Legion of Nagash Army painted (a 2000 pt army has been on my list for 2 years, time to re-evaluate my goal lol)
-more BMG (probably a new villains crew and expand on existing crews)
-build 12 feet worth of raised highway or train tracks for my tournament BMG tables
-finish my 1000pts Warmaster and play a game
-finish my hobbit display boxes
-make two discworld display boxes
-do some more writing; probably BMG battle reports in different styles (narrative, dramatic etc) and a How To guide for some terrain projects.
Here are a few of my favorite pieces for 2018:
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